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Subject: Single College Concept Exceptions
Guideline/Procedure for AR#: 3.02.002
Date Effective: 2/16/01

The Chief Instructional Officer has recommended that certain exceptions to the general Administrative Rule on campus based responsibilities for a Taskforce be granted in the Developmental Communications and Math Taskforces.  These exceptions are provided under section 4) of Administrative Rule 3.02.002.  Based upon an analysis of tasks, the following guidelines are established for use by these two taskforces: 

1)      Annually, the Developmental Communications and Math Taskforce Chairs, with the approval of the appropriate Dean, may designate individual faculty members with signature authority by campus (or even center) to handle the student placement and transfer for developmental courses. 

2)      The Developmental Communications and Math Taskforces should strive to have sufficient number of individual faculty members so designated to provide coverage based upon hours of operation of the College. 

3)      Faculty members so designated must be a member of the respective Taskforce. 


President/Executive Vice President:   Richard W. Fonté Date:  2/16/01