Drug Free Workplace & Drug Free Schools and Communities Act & Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (DAAPP) for Employees (G/P)

Effective date: 09/11/15

Value Statement

The Austin Community College District (ACCD) is dedicated to the health and welfare of its employees, maintaining a drug and alcohol-free environment and providing a Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program to address the needs of its employees. To meet these objectives, the College will provide drug and alcohol awareness and prevention programs for all employees.

Drug and Alcohol Education and Awareness

Every fall semester, the ACC Office of Human Resources will partner with Student Services to host prevention activities during Red Ribbon Week to provide drug awareness to all employees.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention

The Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (DAAPP) shall:

  • Educate employees about alcohol and drug abuse in an effort to encourage responsible decision around their use;
  • Provide resources for employees who have experienced the consequences around alcohol and drugs;
  • Support employees who are in recovery from substance abuse and addiction; encourage constructive lifestyles and norms that discourage abuse of alcohol and drugs and;
  • Develop an environment that facilitates alcohol and drug abuse-free lifestyles.

The prevention program sponsored by the District shall include the annual distribution of the following to each employee:

  • Standards of conduct that clearly prohibit, at a minimum, the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs, alcohol, or inhalants by students and employees on property or as any part of the District’s activities.
  • A description of the applicable legal sanctions under local, state, and federal law for unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs, alcohol, and inhalants.
  • A description of the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs, abuse of alcohol and abuse of inhalants.
  • A description of the drug, alcohol and inhalant counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation programs that are available to students and employees.
  • A clear statement that the Austin Community College District will impose sanctions on students and employees (consistent with local, state, and federal law) and a description of these sanctions, up to and including expulsion or termination of employment and referral for prosecution for violations of the standards of conduct.

The Austin Community College District will also conduct an annual review of its program to: (a) determine its effectiveness and implement changes if they are needed; and (b) ensure that the drug, alcohol and inhalant abuse violations and sanctions imposed by the District are consistently enforced; and (c) prepare a biennial review report approved by ACC’s Chancellor to meet full compliance with the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) 34 CFR Part 86.100.

Operation of the Program

The Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program will inform employees about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse, ways to prevent the abuse, and penalties that may be imposed for drug and alcohol abuse violations. The Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program is available to all

ACCD faculty, staff, hourly and adjunct employees.

The program includes the following:

  • Annually and by means of electronic mail, employees shall be made aware of the ACC Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program and policy.
    • Employees will be provided the links to the policy, administrative rules and guideline/procedures at the beginning of each academic year
    • New faculty and staff members will receive a copy of the policy, administrative rules and guideline/procedures at New Employee Orientation.
  • In addition to the annual notification, employees shall be offered written material including pamphlets and literature on drug and alcohol abuse. Such material will be available at the Campus Manager and Human Resources departments, and on the Human Resources website.
  • The Human Resources department shall present periodic events to provide the opportunity for employees to discuss the dangers and impact of drug and alcohol abuse. Such events include, but are not limited to, wellness fairs, training sessions, and counseling workshops. These programs will be open to College employees at no charge.
  • All employees are eligible to participate in the Wellness Program, which encourages employees to engage in fitness activities. This program promotes a healthy lifestyle, away from the pressures or risks of drug and alcohol.
  • Employees shall be advised of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which supports employees with concerns about drug and alcohol use and abuse. The EAP shall provide workshops to educated employees about the risks of drugs and alcohol use and abuse and the legal and College penalties.

Standards of Conduct

ACC policy prohibits the unlawful possession, use distribution, or manufacture of illicit drugs and/or alcohol on the campus and at ACC sponsored events. The unlawful use of drugs or alcohol is inconsistent with the behavior expected of members of the College community.

ACC employees have a responsibility to deliver service to students, the community, and other individuals in a safe, efficient, and supportive manner. The use, sale, distribution, possession of alcohol, or any drug, including prescription medication used in an unauthorized manner, is strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary action up to and including, termination.

An employee who is believed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while at work may be required to talk with a District Police Officer. If the District Police Officer determines that the employee may have used or is under the influence of drugs or alcohol that inhibits the employees’ ability to work, the employee shall be placed on administrative leave and provided transportation to their residence.

The District Police Officer shall notify the immediate supervisor and consult with the Vice President of Human Resources on the appropriate actions.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Austin Community College provides a confidential, independent employee assistance program for employees and their families. Assistance is available for those individuals with personal, work, or alcohol and drug abuse problems.

The EAP serves as an excellent resource for addressing difficult employee relations issues such as substance and alcohol abuse and work place conflicts. The EAP also provides training opportunities for employees and supervisors.

Under certain circumstances where drug or alcohol use or abuse is suspected, the employee may be required to attend the Employee Assistance Program. The supervisor shall consult with the Vice President of Human Resources to determine the terms of participation. The supervisor will provide the employee with written communication regarding the requirements to participate in EAP. The employee, as a condition of continued employment, must meet the requirements. If the employee does not complete the requirements the employee will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Disciplinary Actions

  1. A violation of ACC’s policy subjects the employee to disciplinary action up to and including termination under the College’s Management of Discipline, Administrative Rule 4.1201.03.
  2. ACC employees are expected to comply with federal, state, and local drug and alcohol laws as well as ACC policies and procedures. An employee who violates any of these drug or alcohol laws will be reported to the District Police Office and the appropriate law enforcement agency and will be subject to prosecution in accordance with the law. In the event that such violation also is a violation of federal, state, or local law, the College may decide to proceed or delay its own disciplinary processes.
  3. If the employee engages in driving as part of his/her job-related duties, such privilege may be revoked, or the employee may be terminated if he/she is unable to perform the duties of their position.
  4. Upon the receipt of information indicating a drug or alcohol related problem, employees may be required to participate in the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), take leave without pay, and potentially, suffer immediate termination.
  5. If an employee is convicted under any criminal drug statute, the employee must report that conviction to their immediate supervisor, in writing, no later than five days after the conviction. If the employee does not report the conviction and it is brought to the attention of the College, disciplinary action may be taken for not reporting the conviction.

If the convicted employee was preforming work pursuant to a federal grant or to a federal contract for the procurement of goods or services valued at $25,000 or more, the Administration shall notify the federal contracting or granting agency of the conviction within ten day of receiving actual notice of the conviction from the employee or otherwise. Within thirty days after receiving notice of the conviction described in the policy, ACCD shall impose discipline on or require satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program by any employee who is convicted of a violation of a criminal drug statute if the violation occurred in the workplace. 

Biennial Review of the Program

The Office of Human Resources serves as the program coordinator and has complete oversight over the Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program for employees including, but not limited to updates and coordination of program information, coordination of the annual notification to employees, and the program biennial review report.

The college is committed to monitoring and assessing the effectiveness of ACCD’s alcohol abuse and prevention program and any changes that need to be made. Therefore, Human Resources is responsible for coordinating a Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program for Employees

Committee (DAAPP for Employees Committee). The DAAPP for Employees Committee is responsible for determining the effectiveness of the prevention program and ensures the standards conducted are fair and consistently enforced. The DAAPP for Employees Committee will utilize program review assessment methods in a biennial committee report to include, but not limited to:

  • Focus groups outcomes;
  • Training Evaluations;
  • Employee Surveys;
  • EAP participation usage data; and
  • Administrative Overview.

The Office of Human Resources is responsible for providing the Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Prevention Program for Employees’ biennial report to the Chancellor’s Cabinet. The Austin

Community College District is committed to conducting an annual review of its program to: (a) determine its effectiveness and implement changes, if they are needed; (b) ensure that the drug, alcohol and inhalant abuse violations and sanctions are imposed by the District are consistently enforced; and (c) prepare a biennial review report approved by ACC’s Chancellor to meet full compliance with the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) 34 CFR Part 86.100.

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