
Subject:    Naming of Facilities/Public Recognition
Guideline/Procedure for AR#: 3.08.001
Date Effective: 09/13/2007


I.       Procedures:  Naming of a Building/Facility 

1.  The ACC Foundation Executive Director will work with potential donors to determine the nature and intent of a gift.  The Foundation Naming Guidelines and Naming Agreement will be shared with the donor.

2.  When a naming opportunity is identified, a request will be developed and submitted to the Austin Community College Foundation for approval.  The Foundation will only recommend naming opportunities that involve a financial contribution.  Approved requests will be forwarded to the ACC Board of Trustees.

3.  The request will include:

4.    When naming of a building or facility consideration arises the following guidelines will be followed

a.    Facilities may be named for individuals, families, organizations, foundations or corporations.

b.   Proposed name will be finalized before the request is approved.

c.   During the development process, the request shall be treated confidentially; possible naming commitments will be reviewed carefully for full compliance with applicable laws and ethical principles.

d.   Prior to any donor recognition or naming ceremony, 75% of the gift must be received.

e.   Naming commitments prior to this policy will be honored.

g.  Name may be forfeited if actions of the contributor or named entity call in question the public respect of ACC.  If these actions cause the entity to no longer exist, the Board of Trustees may remove the name from the facility or space.

5.    Final approval for naming of a facility or building rests with the ACC Board of Trustees.

6.    Upon final approval by ACC Board of Trustees, a Naming Agreement will be completed and signed by the donor, ACC Foundation and ACC.

7.    Recognition will be planned in accordance with donor wishes.  Media announcements, signage, and/or campus ceremony require both donor and ACC approval.   

II.    Criteria

Naming opportunities for buildings, facilities, and common area include:

New Buildings

For naming opportunities involving building construction, the donor will provide at least 50% of construction costs. 

Existing Buildings

The contribution will be 50% of the building’s replacement cost.

Renovated Facilities

Renovation projects costing in excess of $1,000,000 may be named with a gift of at least one half of the total project cost.  Projects costing less than $1,000,000 may be named with a gift of at least three quarters of the total project cost.

For existing facilities, the following levels will be followed:

Instructional areas
General Lecture Classroom $ 50,000
Lecture Halls $250,000
Multi-media Classrooms $200,000
Interactive Video Conferencing Rooms $300,000
Science Labs $200,000
Computer Labs $200,000
Specialized Program Labs $200,000

Student Services

Student Lounge $300,000
Admissions & Records Office $100,00
Financial Aid Office $100,000
Advising Center $100,000
Assessment Center $100,000
Career Center $100,000
Counseling Center $150,000
Bursar/Cashier $50,000
Student Life Office $50,000

Instructional Support Areas

Performance Arts Space $200,000
     (Theatre, Dance, Art, etc.)  
Seats (per row) $50,000
Library $500,000
Media $50,000
Professional Dev. Training Room $50,000
Faculty Lounge $50,000
Faculty Duplication Center $50,000


Conference Rooms $100,000
Lobby $300,000
Atrium $300,000


Courtyard/Patio $500,000
Landscaping $250,000

III. Procedures:  Recognition of Significant, Non-Financial Contributors 

The college administration may consider and determine appropriate recognition of individuals, businesses or organizations who have made a significant, non-financial contribution to ACC.  Such recognition may include a variety of means such as a plaque, planting of a tree, name plates on equipment, etc. 

A request for recognition shall be submitted to the President’s Office and include:

The President shall approve all requests for recognition of a significant, non-financial contributor.


President/CEO:   Stephen B. Kinslow Date:  02/28/08