
Subject:   Progressive Discipline for Non Faculty Staffing Table Employees
Guideline/Procedure for AR#:


Date Effective:   11/11/1998; amended 09/13/07

Progressive Discipline Steps  

Employee/Supervisor Expectations 

Supervisors are expected to provide on-going coaching, training and performance feedback to employees.  When the employee is unable to meet performance expectations, the supervisor should provide a verbal warning specifying the deficient behavior, expected performance and timetable for improvement.  

Employees are expected to attend appropriate job-related training, perform the duties of the position, and communicate performance needs to supervisors.  

If an employee does not meet performance expectations or improve, supervisors should initiate progressive discipline.  The progressive discipline process should include:  

Each step need not be taken in each case, and depending upon the severity of the circumstances, the College may take any appropriate disciplinary action and may start at any step, including immediate termination at any time.  All steps and actions must be documented. 

Immediate Termination 

Severe conduct for which immediate termination is appropriate with no prior notice or prior discipline may include, but is not limited to the following. 

Employees who have been placed on probation twice employment at ACC may be terminated without being issued a third probation.  The employee may be terminated even if those prior two probations were issued by a different supervisor or for different job performance issues.  

Procedural Steps



Step I: Initial Warning

·   When an employee requires correction of problems pertaining to conduct and/or job performance, the supervisor shall verbally warn the employee during a face-to-face meeting (when possible).

·   The initial warning should take place after the supervisor has made an effort to communicate problems with the employee’s performance, and has offered guidance in correcting the issues in a timely fashion.

·   During this meeting the employee shall be given the opportunity to explain his/her actions.



·   When the initial warning is required, the supervisor shall gather all necessary information and outline the discipline process for the employee.

·   The supervisor will request corrective actions to begin immediately, or, if training is needed, after appropriate training.

·   Initial warnings must be conducted in private.

·   If a face-to-face meeting is not immediately possible the supervisor may issue the initial verbal warning by telephone directly with the employee.  A follow-up face-to-face meeting should be held, if the employee requests it.

·   An e-mail alone will not be considered a verbal warning.



·    No form is required; however, documentation of the employee name, date, and content of the verbal warning shall be noted in the supervisors’ records/ work calendar.

·    Supporting documentation may be supplied by either the supervisor or the employee.

Step 2:  Written Warning/ Reprimand

·   The supervisor shall meet with the employee to discuss the continuing performance problems and issue a written warning if the initial warning does not yield the required corrective action within the timeline outlined by the supervisor.

·   An e-mail will not be considered a written warning as a signature is required on the form.

In the written warning the supervisor shall:

·   review the deficiency, incident, or policy violation;

·   advise the employee that he/she must correct the performance, behaviors or situation, explain how the correction must be accomplished and set the deadline for the improvement;

·   inform the employee that failure to correct the deficiency or violation within the specified timeline will result in further disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Written Warning Form

·    The Written Warning Form requires the signature of the employee as an acknowledgment of the receipt and discussion of the written warning. 

·    Should the employee refuse to sign the written warning, a witness (preferably another supervisor) must sign to acknowledge that the employee was notified and the situation was discussed.

·    Copies will be distributed as follows:  one to the employee, one to the next level supervisor, and one copy to be kept in the departmental file for one year.

·    After one year, the form will be removed from the departmental file and forwarded to Human Resources.


Step 3:  Probation

·   The supervisor will discuss the problem with his or her supervisor of the probation and may then place the employee on probation for up to a 90 day period if the written warning does not yield the required corrective action.

·   An employee’s probation may occur through the normal steps of Progressive Discipline or when the supervisor determines that the employee’s behavior warrants Probation as the first step in the process. 

·   The supervisor should meet with the employee as often as needed but at least once or twice (recommended at 30 days and at 60 days) in order to discuss the employee’s progress.

·   During the probationary period, an employee may ask that the time be extended because more time is needed or due to personal reasons.  The supervisor can grant or refuse this extension.

·   Upon successful completion of the probation, the supervisor will indicate this in a letter to the employee.

·   Should the employee not successfully complete the probation, the supervisor may extend the probation or terminate the employee with approval from the next level supervisor, Vice President and in consultation with the Vice President of Human Resources.



·   The supervisor shall complete a Probation Form for documentation.

·   The supervisor shall review the circumstances of the probation and the form with the employee.

·   The supervisor shall, in writing:

- Document the problem.

- Link the misconduct to workplace policy or

- Explain how substandard performance adversely affects the workplace and/or the mission of the college.

- Review performance expectations.

- Outline corrective action to be taken.

- State the periods for review during probation.

·   Immediately upon return from probation, the employee and supervisor must meet, discuss and document next steps.


Probation Form

·    Sections of the Probation Form include:

·    record of the probation

·    30 and 60 day progress reports

·    request for extension of probation

·    Result of probation

·    The supervisor shall give the employee any section of the Probation Form as it is completed, including terms and conditions of the probation, progress reports, and requests for extension.  Copies of all sections will also be placed in the departmental file, given to the next level supervisor, and sent to Human Resources.

·    The completed Probation Form and all sections require an employee signature, acknowledging that the form has been received and discussed.  Should the employee refuse to sign, a witness must sign that the employee was advised of the contents of the probation notice.

·    After one year, the form will be removed from the departmental file.  If the employee has requested and been granted an extension, the form will be removed after one year of the successful completion of the probation.

Step 4:  Suspension

·   The supervisor may suspend an employee if the employee commits a serious offense that mandates that the employee be removed from the workplace.

·   Some offenses that may be cause for suspension include, but are not limited to:

- Threatening, intimidating, coercing, or interfering with the performance of other employees;

- Acts of sabotage or other interference of the college’s business;

- Defacing or destroying college property;

- Insubordination;

- Theft;

- Assault;

- Violation of college Administrative Rules/ Procedures, or Board Policies;

- Indictment for a felony or a Class A misdemeanor.

·   The supervisor may suspend the employee for a specific period of time, with or without pay.  Employees indicted for a felony or a Class A misdemeanor shall be suspended without pay.

·   A suspension may be designed to include an investigation of specific circumstances.

·   During suspension an employee shall decide whether he or she wishes to continue employment with the college.  If so, the employee must agree to take positive steps to correct past performance deficiencies.

·   Should the employee decide to continue employment after the period of suspension, he or she shall be placed on probation for up to 90 days.

·   If an employee is found innocent of misconduct through an investigation, the employee will not be placed on probation.  In such cases, if the employee had been placed on leave without pay during the suspension period, the employee will be paid for the day(s) for which payment was withheld.

·   If investigatory results indicate reprehensible behavior or gross neglect of duties, the employee may be terminated with the approval of the next level, Vice President and Vice President of Human Resources.



·   The supervisor shall complete a Suspension Form for documentation.

·   The supervisor shall review the circumstances of the suspension and the form with the employee.

·   The supervisor shall, in writing:

- Document the problem.

- Link the misconduct to workplace policy or

- Explain how substandard performance adversely affects the workplace and/or the mission of the college.

- Review performance expectations.

- Outline corrective action to be taken.

- State the periods for review during suspension.

·   Immediately upon return from a suspension, the employee and supervisor must meet, discuss and document next steps.

Suspension Form

·   Suspension is a written warning and will be documented on the Suspension Form.

·   The supervisor shall give the employee a copy of the completed Form.  Copies of the Form should be kept in the departmental files, shared with the next level supervisor, and sent to Human Resources.

·   If the employee is found innocent of misconduct as the result of an investigation, any written warnings pertaining to this incident will be removed from all files.

·   Should the investigation show that the employee engaged in misconduct, all copies of the form will remain in all files.

Step 5:  Termination

·   Termination shall be considered appropriate when an employee fails to respond to the corrective actions outlined in the written warning. 

·   Employees may be immediately terminated for the most serious offenses, which may include, but are not limited to those items outlined in this document.

·   Immediate termination may occur during the probation period.  When it is determined that an employee should be terminated, the supervisor shall secure approval from the next level supervisor, Vice President and Vice President of Human Resources prior to executing the termination.

·   A supervisor may terminate an employee who has received two probations during his/her employment at ACC, instead of issuing a third probation, even if those probations were issued by a different supervisor or for different performance issues.



·   Terminations shall be carried out in a manner that is consistent with Board Policy F-8.

·   When terminated, an employee shall receive a letter reviewing the issues and lack of corrective actions on the part of the employee.

Separation Form

·   The supervisor shall give the employee a copy of the completed Separation Form.  Copies of the Form should be kept in the departmental files, shared with the next level supervisor, and sent to Human Resources.

·   All employee documents pertaining to the termination should be sent to Human Resources after one year.

·   Procedures resulting from a Separation Form should be followed up at the Departmental Level and at Human Resources levels.

 Employees may not be terminated for illegal reasons. 


President/CEO:   Stephen B. Kinslow Date:  02/28/08