Bourne Shell Basics

  1. The interpreter

  2. Running a script.
    A shell script is just the commands in a file like:
    $ cat bs1
    who | wc -l
    We can run it by typing the command name. script like:
    $ bs1
    bs1: execute permission denied

    Well, first the execute permission must be set with chmod.
    $ ls -al bs1
    -rw-r--r--  1 xxam225        12 Jun 21 10:16 bs1
    $ chmod a+x bs1
    $ ls -al bs1
    -rwxr-xr-x  1 xxam225        12 Jun 21 10:16 bs1
    $ bs1

    A comment is started by # at the beginning of a word. Comments ends at the newline.
    $ cat bs3
    # Test script
    echo Users   # heading
    who | wc -l  # command
    $ bs3

  4. Variables.
    1. Variables in shell scripts hold values.
    2. Variable names begin with a alphabetic or underscore ( _ ), and is followed by zero or more alphanumeric or underscore characters.
    3. Variable names are case sensitive. So cat and Cat are different variables.
    4. Variables are assigned values by the = operator.
    5. The value of variables may be displayed by using the echo command. A $ before the variable name tells the shell to use the value of the variable not its name.
    6. Examples
      $ cat bs4
      # Variable test cases
      echo Test case 1 $one
      echo Test case 2 one
      echo Test case 3 :$ONE:
      two = zip                 # note the space in the assignment
      echo Test case 4 :$two:
      three= zoom                  # note the spaces
      echo Test case 5 :$three:
      $ ./bs4
      Test case 1 zap
      Test case 2 one
      Test case 3 ::
      ./bs4[6]: two:  not found.
      Test case 4 ::
      ./bs4[8]: zoom:  not found.
      Test case 5 ::
    7. To create a new value from a variable name use the ${variable} construct. To copy a file name in variable file to one with the same name with an X suffix.
      $ cat bs5
      # Variable test cases
      echo " cp $file $fileX"
      echo " cp $file ${file}X"
      $ bs5
       cp bs1
       cp bs1 bs1X

    The Bourne (Korn, Bash and C) shell uses four different quoting mechanisms. The single quote ' , the double quote " , the backslash \ and the backquote ` . The main reason for using quotes is to keep characters together that are separated by whitespace or to prevent the shell from using a metacharacter.

    ' The single quote.
    $ grep Allan Kochis /etc/passwd
    grep: Kochis: No such file or directory
    /etc/passwd:xxam225:guVC19th4z.6M:1123:50:Allan Kochis:/home/xxam225:/bin/csh
    $ grep 'Allan Kochis' /etc/passwd
    xxam225:guVC19th4z.6M:1123:50:Allan Kochis:/home/xxam225:/bin/csh
    The single quote is the most restrictive. All special (meta characters) are ignored within single quotes.
    $ cat bs6
    ls -l $file
    ls -l '$file'
    $ bs6
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 kochis  staff         35 Oct 16 15:19 bs6
    ls: 0653-341 The file $file does not exist.
    " Double Quote
    Double quotes are similar to single quotes in keeping characters together, but they are less restrictive. Single quotes ignore all special characters. Double quotes allow dollar sign($), backquotes (`) and backslashes (\) to be evaluated.
    $ cat bs7
    ls -l $file
    ls -l '$file'
    ls -l "$file"
    $ bs7
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 kochis  staff        255 Oct 16 15:15 bs4
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 kochis  staff         49 Oct 16 15:23 bs7
    -rw-r--r--   1 kochis  staff      70373 Sep 24 05:34 doc
    -rw-r--r--   1 kochis  staff        408 Aug 31 16:20 junk
    -rw-r--r--   1 kochis  staff       1131 Aug 08 20:15 netpulse
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 kochis  staff       1459 Aug 08 16:26 newdoc
    ls: 0653-341 The file $file does not exist.
    ls: 0653-341 The file * does not exist.
    \ Backslash
    This is the same as putting single quotes around a single character.
    $ cat bs8
    ls $file
    ls \$file
    $ bs8
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 kochis  staff        255 Oct 16 15:15 bs4
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 kochis  staff         49 Oct 16 15:23 bs7
    -rw-r--r--   1 kochis  staff      70373 Sep 24 05:34 doc
    -rw-r--r--   1 kochis  staff        408 Aug 31 16:20 junk
    -rw-r--r--   1 kochis  staff       1131 Aug 08 20:15 netpulse
    -rwxr-xr-x   1 kochis  staff       1459 Aug 08 16:26 newdoc
    ls: 0653-341 The file $file does not exist.
    `The backquote
    The backquote is different than the other quotes. It instructs the shell to execute the command in the backquotes and insert the standard output between the back quotes.
    $ cat bs9
    echo There are `ls -1 |wc -l ` files
    day=`date | tr ' ' ':' | cut -d: -f1`
    echo Today is $day
    $ bs9
    There are 33 files
    Today is Mon

  6. Shell Arithmetic.
    In order to do arithmetic on shell variables, the expr command must be used. The expr command reads the expression parameter, evaluates it, and writes the result to standard output. You must apply the following rules to the Expression parameter:
    1. Separate each term with blanks.
    2. Precede characters special to the shell with a \ (backslash).
    3. Quote strings containing blanks or other special characters.
    4. Integers may be preceded by a unary hyphen. Internally, integers are treated as 32-bit, twos complement numbers.
    $ cat bsa
    echo example 1. `expr 1 + 3`
    echo example 2. `expr 1+3`
    echo example 3. `expr 20 + 20 / 2`
    echo example 4. `expr 4 * 2`
    echo example 5. `expr "4 * 2"`
    echo example 6. `expr 4 \* 2`
    i=`expr $i \* 2`
    echo example 7. $i
    $ bsa
    example 1. 4
    example 2. 1+3
    example 3. 30
    expr: syntax error
    example 4.
    example 5. 4 * 2
    example 6. 8
    example 7. 4

  7. Parameters
    Parameters can be used extend the shell script to specify data a run time. If we had a shell that compiled a c program like:
    $ cat comp
    echo Compiling signal
    cc -o signal signal.c
    $ comp
    Compiling signal
    And we wished to write it so we could compile any c program, we could change the shell to accept a parameter like:
    $ ls *.c
    dir.c     signal.c  test.c
    $cat comp
    echo Compiling $1
    cc -o $1 $1.c
    $ comp signal
    Compiling signal
    $ comp test
    Compiling test
    $ comp dir
    Compiling dir
    The parameter variables set when the shell executes are:
    1. $#
      This is set to the number of arguments passed to the script.
      $ cat bsb
      echo $# arguments
      $ bsb one
      1 arguments
      $ bsb one two
      2 arguments
      $ bsb "one two"
      1 arguments
      $ bsb *
      33 arguments
    2. $*
      This is the entire argument line (all of the arguments).
      $ cat bsd
      echo $# arguments
      echo :$*:
      $ bsd one
      1 arguments
      $ bsd one two
      2 arguments
      :one two:
      $ bsd "one two"
      1 arguments
      :one two:
      $ bsd *
      33 arguments
      :Cancelled.mail Mail News accounting awk bin bsd c cal cerb clips cpr 
      fortran ftp hli infosys misc nu_tpu.def othello outline pas pascal problems 
      sql tcp tdb text typescript users xd xwclass zeta zeta_sample:
    3. $1..$9
      Numbered arguments 1 through 9 match the first nine positional arguments.
      $ cat bse
      echo $# arguments
      echo First :$1:
      echo Second :$2:
      echo Third  :$3:
      $ bse one two
      2 arguments
      First :one:
      Second :two:
      Third ::
      $ bse one two "three four" five
      4 arguments
      First :one:
      Second :two:
      Third :three four:
    4. shift
      The shift command makes it possible to access more than nine arguments. shift will remove $1, then make $2 $1, then make $3 $2 and so on. Shift also changes $#.
      $ cat bsf
      echo $# arguments
      echo First :$1:
      echo Second :$2:
      echo Third  :$3:
      echo $# arguments
      echo First :$1:
      echo Second :$2:
      echo Third  :$3:
      $ bsf one two three four five
      5 arguments
      First :one:
      Second :two:
      Third :three:
      4 arguments
      First :two:
      Second :three:
      Third :four:
      Shift can shift multiple positions with a specified number. So shift 3 is the same as shift shift shift.
      $ cat bsg
      echo $# arguments
      echo First :$1:
      echo Second :$2:
      echo Third  :$3:
      shift 2
      echo $# arguments
      echo First :$1:
      echo Second :$2:
      echo Third  :$3:
      $ bsg 1 2 3 4 5 6
      6 arguments
      First :1:
      Second :2:
      Third :3:
      4 arguments
      First :3:
      Second :4:
      Third :5:
      If you try to shift when $# is zero. Here is what happens:
      $ bsg 1
      1 arguments
      First :1:
      Second ::
      Third ::
      bsg: cannot shift

© Allan Kochis Last revision 10/03/20003