Lab 4

  1. Create a directory called new
  2. cd to new
  3. Copy all of the files from /home/kochis/ulab2 to new
  4. Make a copy of a100 called z500
  5. rename z500 to q400a
  6. ls -al new >ul2
  7. List all of the 400 files
  8. remove all of the 300 files
  9. type out the contents of a100
  10. word count a100
  11. make a copy of a100 called k100 using cat
  12. ls -al new >>ul2
  13. remove all other permissions from the 200 files.
  14. set a200 to rwxrw-r-- using octal
  15. cd back to your home directory
  16. ls -al new >>ul2
  17. remove the new directory
  18. Using pine send me ul2.

© Allan Kochis Last revision 5/23/2005