Richard G Baldwin (512) 223-4758, NRG Room 4238,,

ITSE2321 Object-Oriented Programming

This material applies to classroom sections and Distance Learning sections taught by Professor Baldwin.

Running DrJava at ACC-NRG

Fall 2011

Revised: 07/25/11

The official web page for this course is ITSE2321.htm

When you use DrJava in conjunction with Ericson's media library, you must set the classpath in DrJava to point to the media library on your disk.  Instructions for doing this are provided in the textbook and on the CD in the back of the textbook. (See the note in the document titled Instructions for Downloading and Submitting Exams regarding the need to download a copy of Ericson's media library from her website.)

For those working in the ACC lab at NRG, I have developed an alternative, somewhat more streamlined approach to setting the classpath and starting DrJava.

Preparing DrJava and the media library for your personal use

After you get your lab account for my course, you will have access to a folder named Baldwin on your I-Drive.  Among other things, that folder will contain two folders named MediaCompBookCD and MediaCompDrJava(The folder named MediaCompBookCD contains the media library class files from the zip file named bookClasses10-1-07 described earlier.)

  1. Copy those two folders into the root of your H-drive.  You should only need to do this once..

Running DrJava with the media library

After completing the step described above, whenever you need to run DrJava:

  1. Open the folder named H:\MediaCompDrJava.
  2. Double-click on the file named H:\MediaCompDrJava\RunDrJavaAtACC.bat.  This should cause the DrJava IDE to start running (but it may take awhile).

Testing DrJava with the media library

Once DrJava is running, you can test to confirm that the classpath is set properly by performing the following steps:

  1. Open the folder named H:\MediaCompDrJava\TestProgram.
  2. Drag the file named into the DrJava IDE main window.
  3. Click the Compile button at the top.
  4. When the "Compilation completed" message appears at the bottom, click the Run button at the top.  A Picture of a beach should appear on your screen if everything is linked properly.

Compiling and running from the command line

You should also be able to compile and run the test program from the command line by double-clicking on the file named H:\MediaCompDrJava\TestProgram\goPicture.bat.


File: ITSE2321Orientation.htm