Figure 1. Program output.

When executed, this application places simple empty Frame object on screen.

Starting  program produces  following
output (without the color):

WProc1 windowActivated test msg
Wproc1 windowOpened test msg
Pressing  minimize button on  Frame
produces following output:

WProc1 windowIconified test msg
******** WProc2 windowIconified test msg
WProc1 windowDeactivated test msg

Restoring  Frame after minimization
produces following output:

WProc1 windowDeiconified test msg
******** WProc2 windowDeiconified test msg
WProc1 windowActivated test msg
Closing  Frame by pressing  X-button
in  upper right of  Frame produces
following output:

WProc1 windowClosing test msg
WProc1 windowDeactivated test msg
WProc1 windowClosed test msg
Also causes program to terminate.