Listing 6. The modified World class.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Observer;
import java.awt.*;

/*Note, this version of the World class was modified to
 * cause it to load a jpg file by default instead of
 * displaying a blank picture by default. 12/23/08

 * Class to represent a 2d world that can hold turtles and
 * display them
 * Copyright Georgia Institute of Technology 2004
 * @author Barb Ericson
public class World extends JComponent implements ModelDisplay
  ////////////////// fields ///////////////////////

  /** should automatically repaint when model changed */
  private boolean autoRepaint = true;

  /** the background color for the world */
  private Color background = Color.WHITE;

  /** the width of the world */
  private int width = 640;

  /** the height of the world */
  private int height = 480;

  /** the list of turtles in the world */
  private List<Turtle> turtleList = new ArrayList<Turtle>();

  /** the JFrame to show this world in */
  private JFrame frame = new JFrame("World");

  /** background picture */
  private Picture picture = null;

  ////////////////// the constructors ///////////////

   * Constructor that takes no arguments
  public World()
    // set up the world and make it visible

   * Constructor that takes a boolean to
   * say if this world should be visible
   * or not
   * @param visibleFlag if true will be visible
   * else if false will not be visible
  public World(boolean visibleFlag)

   * Constructor that takes a width and height for this
   * world
   * @param w the width for the world
   * @param h the height for the world
  public World(int w, int h)
    width = w;
    height = h;

    System.out.println("Dick Baldwin");
    // set up the world and make it visible

  ///////////////// methods ///////////////////////////

   * Method to initialize the world
   * @param visibleFlag the flag to make the world
   * visible or not
  private void initWorld(boolean visibleFlag)
    // set the preferred size
    this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width,height));

    // create the background picture
    //picture = new Picture(width,height);
    picture = new Picture("Prob01.jpg");
    picture.addMessage("Dick Baldwin",10,20);

    // add this panel to the frame

    // pack the frame

    // show this world

   * Method to get the graphics context for drawing on
   * @return the graphics context of the background picture
  public Graphics getGraphics() { return picture.getGraphics(); }

   * Method to clear the background picture
  public void clearBackground() { picture = new Picture(width,height); }

   * Method to get the background picture
   * @return the background picture
  public Picture getPicture() { return picture; }

   * Method to set the background picture
   * @param pict the background picture to use
  public void setPicture(Picture pict) { picture = pict; }

   * Method to paint this component
   * @param g the graphics context
  public synchronized void paintComponent(Graphics g)
    Turtle turtle = null;

    // draw the background image

    // loop drawing each turtle on the background image
    Iterator iterator = turtleList.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext())
      turtle = (Turtle);

   * Metod to get the last turtle in this world
   * @return the last turtle added to this world
  public Turtle getLastTurtle()
    return (Turtle) turtleList.get(turtleList.size() - 1);

   * Method to add a model to this model displayer
   * @param model the model object to add
  public void addModel(Object model)
    turtleList.add((Turtle) model);
    if (autoRepaint)

   * Method to check if this world contains the passed
   * turtle
   * @return true if there else false
  public boolean containsTurtle(Turtle turtle)
    return (turtleList.contains(turtle));

   * Method to remove the passed object from the world
   * @param model the model object to remove
  public void remove(Object model)

   * Method to get the width in pixels
   * @return the width in pixels
  public int getWidth() { return width; }

   * Method to get the height in pixels
   * @return the height in pixels
  public int getHeight() { return height; }

   * Method that allows the model to notify the display
  public void modelChanged()
    if (autoRepaint)

   * Method to set the automatically repaint flag
   * @param value if true will auto repaint
  public void setAutoRepaint(boolean value) { autoRepaint = value; }

   * Method to hide the frame
//  public void hide()
//  {
//    frame.setVisible(false);
//  }

   * Method to show the frame
//  public void show()
//  {
//    frame.setVisible(true);
//  }

   * Method to set the visibility of the world
   * @param value a boolean value to say if should show or hide
  public void setVisible(boolean value)

   * Method to get the list of turtles in the world
   * @return a list of turtles in the world
  public List getTurtleList()
  { return turtleList;}

   * Method to get an iterator on the list of turtles
   * @return an iterator for the list of turtles
  public Iterator getTurtleIterator()
  { return turtleList.iterator();}

   * Method that returns information about this world
   * in the form of a string
   * @return a string of information about this world
  public String toString()
    return "A " + getWidth() + " by " + getHeight() +
      " world with " + turtleList.size() + " turtles in it.";

} // end of World class