Listing 7. Source code for the modified SimpleTurtle class.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.font.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.util.Observer;
import java.util.Random;

 /*Note: This class was modified to change the order of the
 * colors used for new turtle objects as well as the
 * initial heading for the turtle. 12/23/08

 *Class that represents a Logo-style turtle.  The turtle
 * starts off facing north.
 * A turtle can have a name, has a starting x and y position,
 * has a heading, has a width, has a height, has a visible
 * flag, has a body color, can have a shell color, and has a pen.
 * The turtle will not go beyond the model display or picture
 * boundaries.
 * You can display this turtle in either a picture or in
 * a class that implements ModelDisplay.
 * Copyright Georgia Institute of Technology 2004
 * @author Barb Ericson
public class SimpleTurtle
  ///////////////// fields ////////////////////////

  /** count of the number of turtles created */
  private static int numTurtles = 0;

  /** array of colors to use for the turtles */
  private static Color[] colorArray =
    { Color.gray,
      new Color(204,0,204),

  /** who to notify about changes to this turtle */
  private ModelDisplay modelDisplay = null;

  /** picture to draw this turtle on */
  private Picture picture = null;

  /** width of turtle in pixels */
  private int width = 15;

  /** height of turtle in pixels */
  private int height = 18;

  /** current location in x (center) */
  private int xPos = 0;

  /** current location in y (center) */
  private int yPos = 0;

  /** heading angle */
  //private double heading = 0;// default is facing north
  private double heading = 315;// default is facing northwest

  /** pen to use for this turtle */
  private Pen pen = new Pen();

  /** color to draw the body in */
  private Color bodyColor = null;

  /** color to draw the shell in */
  private Color shellColor = null;

  /** color of information string */
  private Color infoColor =;

  /** flag to say if this turtle is visible */
  private boolean visible = true;

  /** flag to say if should show turtle info */
  private boolean showInfo = false;

  /** the name of this turtle */
  private String name = "No name";

  ////////////////// constructors ///////////////////

   * Constructor that takes the x and y position for the
   * turtle
   * @param x the x pos
   * @param y the y pos
  public SimpleTurtle(int x, int y)
    xPos = x;
    yPos = y;
    bodyColor = colorArray[numTurtles % colorArray.length];

   * Constructor that takes the x and y position and the
   * model displayer
   * @param x the x pos
   * @param y the y pos
   * @param display the model display
  public SimpleTurtle(int x, int y, ModelDisplay display)
    this(x,y); // invoke constructor that takes x and y
    modelDisplay = display;

   * Constructor that takes a model display and adds
   * a turtle in the middle of it
   * @param display the model display
  public SimpleTurtle(ModelDisplay display)
    // invoke constructor that takes x and y
    this((int) (display.getWidth() / 2),
         (int) (display.getHeight() / 2));
    modelDisplay = display;
    System.out.println("Dick Baldwin");

   * Constructor that takes the x and y position and the
   * picture to draw on
   * @param x the x pos
   * @param y the y pos
   * @param picture the picture to draw on
  public SimpleTurtle(int x, int y, Picture picture)
    this(x,y); // invoke constructor that takes x and y
    this.picture = picture;
    this.visible = false; // default is not to see the turtle

   * Constructor that takes the
   * picture to draw on and will appear in the middle
   * @param picture the picture to draw on
  public SimpleTurtle(Picture picture)
    // invoke constructor that takes x and y
    this((int) (picture.getWidth() / 2),
         (int) (picture.getHeight() / 2));
    this.picture = picture;
    this.visible = false; // default is not to see the turtle

  //////////////////// methods /////////////////////////

   * Get the distance from the passed x and y location
   * @param x the x location
   * @param y the y location
  public double getDistance(int x, int y)
    int xDiff = x - xPos;
    int yDiff = y - yPos;
    return (Math.sqrt((xDiff * xDiff) + (yDiff * yDiff)));

   * Method to turn to face another simple turtle
  public void turnToFace(SimpleTurtle turtle)

   * Method to turn towards the given x and y
   * @param x the x to turn towards
   * @param y the y to turn towards
  public void turnToFace(int x, int y)
    double dx = x - this.xPos;
    double dy = y - this.yPos;
    double arcTan = 0.0;
    double angle = 0.0;

    // avoid a divide by 0
    if (dx == 0)
      // if below the current turtle
      if (dy > 0)
        heading = 180;

      // if above the current turtle
      else if (dy < 0)
        heading = 0;
    // dx isn't 0 so can divide by it
      arcTan = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(dy / dx));
      if (dx < 0)
        heading = arcTan - 90;
        heading = arcTan + 90;

    // notify the display that we need to repaint

   * Method to get the picture for this simple turtle
   * @return the picture for this turtle (may be null)
  public Picture getPicture() { return this.picture; }

   * Method to set the picture for this simple turtle
   * @param pict the picture to use
  public void setPicture(Picture pict) { this.picture = pict; }

   * Method to get the model display for this simple turtle
   * @return the model display if there is one else null
  public ModelDisplay getModelDisplay() { return this.modelDisplay; }

   * Method to set the model display for this simple turtle
   * @param theModelDisplay the model display to use
  public void setModelDisplay(ModelDisplay theModelDisplay)
  { this.modelDisplay = theModelDisplay; }

   * Method to get value of show info
   * @return true if should show info, else false
  public boolean getShowInfo() { return this.showInfo; }

   * Method to show the turtle information string
   * @param value the value to set showInfo to
  public void setShowInfo(boolean value) { this.showInfo = value; }

   * Method to get the shell color
   * @return the shell color
  public Color getShellColor()
    Color color = null;
    if (this.shellColor == null && this.bodyColor != null)
      color = bodyColor.darker();
    else color = this.shellColor;
    return color;

   * Method to set the shell color
   * @param color the color to use
  public void setShellColor(Color color) {  this.shellColor = color; }

   * Method to get the body color
   * @return the body color
  public Color getBodyColor() { return this.bodyColor; }

   * Method to set the body color which
   * will also set the pen color
   * @param color the color to use
  public void setBodyColor(Color color)
    this.bodyColor = color;

   * Method to set the color of the turtle.
   * This will set the body color
   * @param color the color to use
  public void setColor(Color color) { this.setBodyColor(color); }

   * Method to get the information color
   * @return the color of the information string
  public Color getInfoColor() { return this.infoColor; }

   * Method to set the information color
   * @param color the new color to use
  public void setInfoColor(Color color) { this.infoColor = color; }

   * Method to return the width of this object
   * @return the width in pixels
  public int getWidth() { return this.width; }

   * Method to return the height of this object
   * @return the height in pixels
  public int getHeight() { return this.height; }

   * Method to set the width of this object
   * @param theWidth in width in pixels
  public void setWidth(int theWidth) { this.width = theWidth; }

   * Method to set the height of this object
   * @param theHeight the height in pixels
  public void setHeight(int theHeight) { this.height = theHeight; }

   * Method to get the current x position
   * @return the x position (in pixels)
  public int getXPos() { return this.xPos; }

   * Method to get the current y position
   * @return the y position (in pixels)
  public int getYPos() { return this.yPos; }

   * Method to get the pen
   * @return the pen
  public Pen getPen() { return this.pen; }

   * Method to set the pen
   * @param thePen the new pen to use
  public void setPen(Pen thePen) { this.pen = thePen; }

   * Method to check if the pen is down
   * @return true if down else false
  public boolean isPenDown() { return this.pen.isPenDown(); }

   * Method to set the pen down boolean variable
   * @param value the value to set it to
  public void setPenDown(boolean value) { this.pen.setPenDown(value); }

   * Method to lift the pen up
  public void penUp() { this.pen.setPenDown(false);}

   * Method to set the pen down
  public void penDown() { this.pen.setPenDown(true);}

   * Method to get the pen color
   * @return the pen color
  public Color getPenColor() { return this.pen.getColor(); }

   * Method to set the pen color
   * @param color the color for the pen ink
  public void setPenColor(Color color) { this.pen.setColor(color); }

   * Method to set the pen width
   * @param width the width to use in pixels
  public void setPenWidth(int width) { this.pen.setWidth(width); }

   * Method to get the pen width
   * @return the width of the pen in pixels
  public int getPenWidth() { return this.pen.getWidth(); }

   * Method to clear the path (history of
   * where the turtle has been)
  public void clearPath()

   * Method to get the current heading
   * @return the heading in degrees
  public double getHeading() { return this.heading; }

   * Method to set the heading
   * @param heading the new heading to use
  public void setHeading(double heading)
    this.heading = heading;

   * Method to get the name of the turtle
   * @return the name of this turtle
  public String getName() { return; }

   * Method to set the name of the turtle
   * @param theName the new name to use
  public void setName(String theName)
  { = theName;

   * Method to get the value of the visible flag
   * @return true if visible else false
  public boolean isVisible() { return this.visible;}

   * Method to hide the turtle (stop showing it)
   * This doesn't affect the pen status
  public void hide() { this.setVisible(false); }

   * Method to show the turtle (doesn't affect
   * the pen status
  public void show() { this.setVisible(true); }

   * Method to set the visible flag
   * @param value the value to set it to
  public void setVisible(boolean value)
    // if the turtle wasn't visible and now is
    if (visible == false && value == true)
      // update the display

    // set the visibile flag to the passed value
    this.visible = value;

   * Method to update the display of this turtle and
   * also check that the turtle is in the bounds
  public synchronized void updateDisplay()
    // check that x and y are at least 0
    if (xPos < 0)
      xPos = 0;
    if (yPos < 0)
      yPos = 0;

    // if picture
    if (picture != null)
      if (xPos >= picture.getWidth())
        xPos = picture.getWidth() - 1;
      if (yPos >= picture.getHeight())
        yPos = picture.getHeight() - 1;
      Graphics g = picture.getGraphics();
    else if (modelDisplay != null)
      if (xPos >= modelDisplay.getWidth())
        xPos = modelDisplay.getWidth() - 1;
      if (yPos >= modelDisplay.getHeight())
        yPos = modelDisplay.getHeight() - 1;

   * Method to move the turtle foward 100 pixels
  public void forward() { forward(100); }

   * Method to move the turtle forward the given number of pixels
   * @param pixels the number of pixels to walk forward in the heading direction
  public void forward(int pixels)
    int oldX = xPos;
    int oldY = yPos;

    // change the current position
    xPos = oldX + (int) (pixels * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(heading)));
    yPos = oldY + (int) (pixels * -Math.cos(Math.toRadians(heading)));

    // add a move from the old position to the new position to the pen

    // update the display to show the new line

   * Method to go backward by 100 pixels
  public void backward()

   * Method to go backward a given number of pixels
   * @param pixels the number of pixels to walk backward
  public void backward(int pixels)

   * Method to move to turtle to the given x and y location
   * @param x the x value to move to
   * @param y the y value to move to
  public void moveTo(int x, int y)
    this.xPos = x;
    this.yPos = y;

   * Method to turn left
  public void turnLeft()

   * Method to turn right
  public void turnRight()

   * Method to turn the turtle the passed degrees
   * use negative to turn left and pos to turn right
   * @param degrees the amount to turn in degrees
  public void turn(int degrees)
    this.heading = (heading + degrees) % 360;

   * Method to draw a passed picture at the current turtle
   * location and rotation in a picture or model display
   * @param dropPicture the picture to drop
  public synchronized void drop(Picture dropPicture)
    Graphics2D g2 = null;

    // only do this if drawing on a picture
    if (picture != null)
      g2 = (Graphics2D) picture.getGraphics();
    else if (modelDisplay != null)
      g2 = (Graphics2D) modelDisplay.getGraphics();

    // if g2 isn't null
    if (g2 != null)

      // save the current tranform
      AffineTransform oldTransform = g2.getTransform();

      // rotate to turtle heading and translate to xPos and yPos

      // draw the passed picture

      // reset the tranformation matrix

      //  draw the pen

   * Method to paint the turtle
   * @param g the graphics context to paint on
  public synchronized void paintComponent(Graphics g)
    // cast to 2d object
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;

    // if the turtle is visible
    if (visible)
      // save the current tranform
      AffineTransform oldTransform = g2.getTransform();

      // rotate the turtle and translate to xPos and yPos

      // determine the half width and height of the shell
      int halfWidth = (int) (width/2); // of shell
      int halfHeight = (int) (height/2); // of shell
      int quarterWidth = (int) (width/4); // of shell
      int thirdHeight = (int) (height/3); // of shell
      int thirdWidth = (int) (width/3); // of shell

      // draw the body parts (head)
      g2.fillOval(xPos - quarterWidth,
                  yPos - halfHeight - (int) (height/3),
                  halfWidth, thirdHeight);
      g2.fillOval(xPos - (2 * thirdWidth),
                  yPos - thirdHeight,
      g2.fillOval(xPos - (int) (1.6 * thirdWidth),
                  yPos + thirdHeight,
      g2.fillOval(xPos + (int) (1.3 * thirdWidth),
                  yPos - thirdHeight,
      g2.fillOval(xPos + (int) (0.9 * thirdWidth),
                  yPos + thirdHeight,

      // draw the shell
      g2.fillOval(xPos - halfWidth,
                  yPos - halfHeight, width, height);

      // draw the info string if the flag is true
      if (showInfo)

      // reset the tranformation matrix

    //  draw the pen

   * Method to draw the information string
   * @param g the graphics context
  public synchronized void drawInfoString(Graphics g)
    g.drawString(this.toString(),xPos + (int) (width/2),yPos);

   * Method to return a string with informaiton
   * about this turtle
   * @return a string with information about this object
  public String toString()
    return + " turtle at " + this.xPos + ", " +
      this.yPos + " heading " + this.heading + ".";

} // end of class