Richard G Baldwin (512) 223-4758, NRG Room 4238,,

INEW2338 Advanced Java Programming

Spring 2014

Examination Instructions

Revised: 11/05/13

Note:  The official web site for this course is located here.


Possible modifications

This document may be modified as the semester progresses in order to incorporate new instructions or to clarify existing instructions.  Therefore, you should review the instructions periodically and then immediately before taking an exam to confirm that you are in compliance.

Completion deadlines

The deadline for completion of each exam is provided in the Syllabus each semester.

Exam availability

You will be notified via the course bulletin board when the exams are available to be taken.

Location for completion of exams

You may NOT complete the exams in an ACC testing center.

Students enrolled in the classroom or Distance Learning sections of this course must complete each exam under the supervision of Prof. Baldwin or his designated representative.  Students may complete the exam during Prof. Baldwin's scheduled office hours or during other times that he may elect to be in his office.  Students may not complete the exam in an ACC testing center.

Also, it may be possible for Prof. Baldwin to arrange for someone else to monitor your exams at night or on weekends if you contact him with such a request.

Students enrolled in the course via the Virtual College of Texas (VCT) must complete the exam in an approved testing center on or before the specified deadline for that exam.

(Also see the section entitled Logistics Issues for VCT Students.)

Description of Exams

Each of the exams consists of a series of True/False and/or multiple choice questions.  Questions on the exams are very similar to the questions in the online study guides for the course.

The exams are open-book exams.  The student is allowed to use any resource material (including a computer) that is allowed in the facility where the exam is being taken.  However, the student is not allowed to get help from others while taking the exam.

Each exam must be completed in fifty (50) minutes, which is the length of a standard one-hour class at ACC.

The first exam covers the following topics:

The second exam is comprehensive, covering the above topics plus the following topics:

Logistics Issues for VCT Students

Instructions for the administration of exams for VCT students can be found at the general ACC URL:

(The URLs for ACC web pages tend to change frequently, but hopefully that one will remain valid for at least a few years.)

Failure to Complete the Exams by the Deadlines

The penalty for failing to complete an exam on or before the deadline is that you simply won't get credit for the exam.

Before you ask, let me tell you that business travel, problems at work, extreme work pressures, divorce, depression, receipt of a "Dear John letter", automobile repairs, flat tires, computer problems, power failures, total eclipses, extremely high outside temperatures, high pollen count, broken lawnmowers, the Super Bowl Schedule, and other assorted and interesting circumstances are not valid excuses for failing to complete the exam by the deadline.

About the only excuse that I might be willing to accept would be something on the order of extended hospitalization or extended serious illness on the part of you or an immediate member of your family.  If your excuse is not on that order of magnitude, I really don't want to hear it.

Be conservative and complete the exams early.  Don't let a last-minute problem cause you to miss an exam deadline and end up with a bad grade in the course.


File:  ExamInstructions.htm