Richard G Baldwin (512) 223-4758, NRG Room 4238,,

ITSE 1359 Introduction to Scripting Languages: Python

This material applies to classroom sections and Distance Learning sections taught by Professor Baldwin.

Online Orientation Material

Spring 2018

Revised: 12/18/17

The official web page for this course is ITSE1359.htm

Online Orientation

Some students do poorly in this course because they are either incapable or unwilling to read, understand, and comply with instructions and specifications. This is your first opportunity to demonstrate that you are not one of those students. All students enrolled in this course are required to complete online orientation at the beginning of the course.

Visit the links

To accomplish online orientation, visit the following links on the official web page for this course and read the material pointed to by those links. The link to the official web page is given above.

Complete Orientation Test00

Then log into Blackboard, access your course, and read all of the Announcements. Then select Orientation Test00 in the menu on the left side of the page. You must successfully complete Test00 before you can begin working on your assignments.

Test00 is an open-book online test that is based on the material pointed to by the orientation links listed above. You may take the test as many times as you need from any computer that allows you to log into your Blackboard course. (Test00 is not to be taken in an ACC testing center.) Keep reading the orientation material and repeating the test until you achieve a score of at least 80 points. The highest score achieved among one or more attempts will be used as the final score for the test.

(Test00 has the same grade value as an assignment -- 100 points. You must achieve a score of at least 80 points on Test00 before you will be allowed to view your first four assignments. You may continue taking the test until you achieve a score of 100 points if you choose to do so. Note however that failure to achieve a score of at least 80 points on Test00 will not delay the submission deadlines for the assignments and will not be a valid excuse for failing to meet those deadlines. Therefore, you need achieve a score of at least 80 points on Test00 as early in the course as possible.)


If you have any questions regarding this orientation procedure, use the Blackboard "Send Email" feature to ask your questions.


File: ITSE1359Orientation.htm

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.