Composition I: Paper Description

Paper #1/ Paper #2/ Paper #3/ Paper #4/Paper #5

B Paper Assignment
A Paper Assignment

Paper #1: Aim: Expressive Mode: Description
From one of your journal entries, write a 500-1000 words, double spaced paper describing ONE of the following:

A favorite place from your childhood.
One person who has been a big influence
on you in your life.
The ideal place to live.

Paper 2: Aim: Persuasive/Mode: Evaluation
From one of your journal entries, please write a 500-1000 page paper convincing the reader of your stand on a political issue. Please use the personal, logical and emotional appeal in your paper. Use the classical argument structure for this paper
  1. Introduction: state thesis
  2. Give one supporting argument
  3. Give another supporting argument
  4. Give another supporting argument
  5. Present and counter at least one possible refutation
  6. Conclusion: Summarize and state your opinion on this issue (which side you agree with). Give evaluation and interpretation that explain how you made your choice.

Sample topics of former papers are:
death penalty, gays in the military, drinking age, "sin taxes" (charging more for cigarettes to cover health care costs), rent control in Austin, the next president, distribution of condoms in high school, , doctor-assisted suicide, "no kill animal shelters", animal testing, protection of endagered species vs. urban growth (e.g. the Barton Springs Salamander), school uniforms.

Paper 3: Aim: Referential/Interpretive
Mode: Classification and Evaluation (500-1000 words)
Please choose a quote . In your essay, please explain why the quote embodies "words to live by". You may use any quote, but you must document the author and source of the quote. One source for quotes: . According to the guidelines for This I Believe, please make sure you CLEARLY STATE a belief .

Here is my quote: " I am a kind of paranoiac in reverse. I suspect people of plotting to make me happy." J. D. Salinger (1919 - )

Here is my belief: I am not a paranoid, I am a pronoid. I believe the world is not out to get us.I believe the world is out to help us.

Paper 4: Research Paper #1
Aim: Referential/Interpretive Mode: Classification and Description

Technology has changed our world significantly in the last ten to twenty years. Choose a topic that deals with technology of some sort. Formulate a question and then write a 1000-1500 word research paper answering your initial question through research. Possible topics include: privacy issues, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, the world wide web, computers, nintendo, celluar phones, telecommuting etc...

  1. Introduction and state thesis question Paragraph #1
  2. First section Paragraph #2 and #3: (2 paragraphs)
  3. Second section Paragraph #4 and #5: (2 paragraphs)
  4. Third section Paragraph #6 and #7: (2 paragraphs)
  5. Conclusion Paragraph #8
    One Book, One Magazine, One other (web site is ok) but I REALLY want you to set foot in a library for this assignment.

Paper 5: Research Paper #2 (The short version will be 300-500 words)
Aim: Referential/Interpretive
Mode: Classification/Evaluation

Write a 1000-1500 word research paper based on your journal entry. Introduce your issue with background information. State both sides of the issue and then develop the first side giving three supporting arguments (find these in your research). Then state the other side and give three supporting arguments (find these in your research). Conclude by stating which side you believe and why. ( Overused topics-> DO NOT WRITE ON LEGALIZING MARIJUANA, ABORTION or the example topic SUV's. Thanks)

Your structure should be the following:

I. Introduction: Pose question
II. State one side of the issue
argument 1 gathered from your research + quote.
argument 2 gathered from your research + quote
argument 3 gathered from your research + quote
III. State other side of the issue
argument 1 gathered from your research + quote.
argument 2 gathered from your research + quote
argument 3 gathered from your research + quote
IV. Conclusion: Summarize and state your opinion on this issue (which side you agree with). Give evaluation and interpretation that explain how you made your choice.
Works Cited: Two Web Sites on one side of your issue from which you get your quotes and Two Web Sites on the other side of the issue, which are the basis of those quotes.