Lab 3

This lab investigates a typical mixture problem and the effect of different initial conditions and various run times on the solution of the governing ODE. The ODE here is based on: rate of change = in - out. i.e. MATH

Problem: A rock contains two radioactive isotopes $RA_{1}$ and $RA_{2}$ that belong to the same radioactive series; that is $RA_{1}$ decays into $RA_{2}$ which then decays into stable atoms. Assume that the rate that $RA_{1}$ decays into $RA_{2}$ is MATH and that the rate of decay of $RA_{2}$ is proportional to the mass $M(t)$ of $\ RA_{2}$ present. If the decay constant is $0.1/\sec $ using the time periods and initial conditions given below create the graphs of the particular solutions as indicated using ODE Architect and print each of the groups 1-4 below (1 print out for each group).

1. For a time lapse of $3\sec $ on the same grid graph the particular solutions for :

Initial conditions: MATH

2. Repeat 1. for 13 sec.

3. Repeat 1. for 23 sec.

4. Repeat 1. for 53 sec. print this graph with the slope field.

5. Now write out a discussion (one page max.) about your observations of what seems to be happening. Include observations as to how the projection changes as the time period increases and how the various initial conditions effect these changes.

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