MATD 0370 - 11 Wk Elementary Algebra - Distance Learning
Summer 2019 Information

You can find more detailed information about this course in Blackboard. This is where you can get basic information before you have access to the course in Blackboard.

Distance Learning can be an isolating experience, but it doesn't have to be! Be ready to communicate often via email and check your email regularly. Don't hesitate to reach out with questions.

Email: I will use your ACCmail address for all email communication. If you use a different email address, be sure to set up your ACCmail to forward to the address you use.

MyMathLab and Textbook: You must purchase MyMathLab access for this course, which comes with an etext. You do not need to purchase a printed copy of the textbook. If you want to get a printed copy of the textbook, here is the information: Elementary Algebra; 10th Edition by Bittinger, Ellenbogen, Johnson - ACC custom version..

Make sure you're in the right course: Before you enroll in this course, you should decide whether a distance learning course is right for you and ensure that you have met the prerequisite for the course. Please read through the advising information found here.

ACC ID: You must have an ACC ID to take your exams in the Testing Center. You will need to visit an ACC campus to get your ACC ID.

Work through the prerequisite review to get ready.

Orientation: This is all in Blackboard.

Once you begin working on the course material, you will need to stick to the Weekly Schedule for the course. All course related documents can be found here.

Contact me if you have any questions


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