David M. Lauderback, Ph.D.
Professor of History



Check out the new Distance Learning Help page!



Contact Information

Office Hours

FALL 2022


MW 10:30 am - 12:00 noon
      1:30 pm - 4:00 pm
TTH 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

We can visit over the phone at


or via e-mail at:


  or we can do Google Meet at:


We can also meet by appointment. Just ask!



  FALL 2022



Currently moving my office. Will post when I have a new location. 
We can arrange to meet at RGC 3000

1218 West Avenue

Across the street from the Rio Grande Campus under construction.

Just let me know and we can set up a time.

email: dlauderb@austincc.edu 


Course Identification

HIST 1301 Distance Learning

HIST 1301 003, 120, 156, & 162 ONL

1st 8 Week Session  22 AUG - 16 OCT
SYN 48997, 49087, 49117, & 49123

NOTE:  Students must use a lap top or desk top computer to take the quizzes and exams via Blackboard. You will not be able to take the quizzes and exams via a phone, iPad, or tablet or other device.  So be sure you have access to the internet and a computer -- not a tablet or an iPad or a phone -- to take the quizzes and exams.  The ACC Testing Centers are currently not available, so you will have to take the exams remotely. And to take quizzes and exams via Blackboard you must use a lap top or desk top computer with live access to the internet.

See the Course Syllabus for details of each course requirement.

1st 8 Week Course Schedule

Orientation Begins AUG 22, 2022

by AUG 25, 2022

WARNING!!! Students who do NOT submit the orientation form by

AUG 25, 2022

will be WITHDRAWN from the course and may lose some or all of their financial aid. 

See Orientation form details below.

Make sure to complete the 1st & 2nd Contacts via Blackboard by the deadlines listed in  the Course Schedule


Course Description

NOTE:  Students must use a lap top or desk top computer to take the quizzes and exams via Blackboard.  You will not be able to take the exams via a phone, iPad, or tablet.  So be sure you have access to the internet and a computer -- not a tablet or an iPad or a phone -- to take the quizzes and exams.  The ACC Testing Centers are currently not available, so you will have to take the exams remotely.  And to take quizzes and exams via Blackboard you must use a lap top or desk top computer with live access to the internet.

This course surveys the major developments in the history of the United States and its people from 1492 to 1877. It also includes examples of conflicting interpretations of the progress of that history and a program of historical research.

Distance Education courses take time and effort.

Students will be required to do the same amount of work and the same quality of work as students enrolling in the classroom equivalent of the course. This section is a online version of the standard United States History survey course. The online course is designed for experienced students who possess a great degree of discipline and responsibility. YOU WILL NEED maturity, ability, and self discipline to successfully complete the requirements of any online course. Why? Because you should expect to spend several hours each week -- at least -- just to keep up with the reading and completing the Study Guide. Then, you will need to spend even more time every day -- yes every day! -- reviewing your study guide as you prepare for exams. Do not wait to get ready for the exams; review the study guide every day. The key to success in any class -- especially a distance education class -- is review, review, review! You also have a term project that requires a sustained effort over the course of the semester. You need to budget time to research, understand, and complete each part of the project. If this description does not sound like you, or you are not sure if you will have the time to work on the class, then you should consider signing up for a lecture course. Please contact the professor if you have any questions about the course. Always happy to visit. And if my office hours do not fit your schedule, let me know and we will set up a time.:)

You can get started right away!

One of the best things about a distance education course is that you can start taking exams and submitting the parts of the term projects as soon as the section begins. See the Course Schedule for all course deadlines. You do not have to wait to take exams or turn in assignments. Once the semester begins, you can start taking quizzes and exams via the course Blackboard page.  See Quizzes and Exams below.  You can take exams at a testing center near you at a time the fits your schedule. You can use any of the computers in an ACC Testing Center to take your exams. ACC TESTING CENTERS ARE CURRENTLY CLOSED. You can start right away and finish the class as soon as you want. In fact, waiting until the last moment can cause you serious problems if "life happens" and you cannot meet the deadlines.

Talk to me . . .

A distance learning course does not have the interaction of a class room. So that means you have to reach out when you have questions or concerns or “life happens.” Problems are best solved before they occur. So talk to me.:) Come see me or call me during office hours or send me an email. We can discuss the material, review exams, talk about test taking strategies, go over the format requirements of the term projects, or review study habits.

I am always happy to visit about the course.  Just give me a call or we can set up a time.:)

Course Objectives

The student learning objectives for this course are detailed in the Study Guide.  For the Course Rationale, go to the History Department Webpage.

Required Reading

This semester you paid for "1st Day Access" to an eBook of the textbook for the course:

Give Me Liberty!
An American History, Volume One
Eric foner
ISBN 978-0-393-42873-5

You can access the eBook directly from the course Blackboard page. Just click on: Textbook and then eBook.

The link will take you to the eBook for:
Eric Foner, Give Me Liberty! An American History Seagull, vol. 1, 6th edition (New York: Norton, 2019). ISBN 978-0-393-42873-5
The first time you log in you will create a user name and password.

Once in, just click on the chapter you want to read. Access to the textbook will begin as soon as you can access the course Blackboard page and will end after the semester ends.

There are lower cost options of used hard copies of the book. So, if you do NOT want the eBook, and would like a refund, just go to the Course Blackboard page, Textbook, eBook Opt Out Link.
NOTE: You must OPT OUT no later than MONDAY, AUG 30 to get a refund.
Remember, you will need to read the chapters in Foner, Give Me Liberty to complete the quizzes and exams.  So, if you Opt Out of the eBook, be sure to rent or buy a copy of the textbook so you can complete the class.

NOTE: If you order your book on line and it arrives late, you are still responsible for all course deadlines on the Course Schedule, including exams. So be sure to have your book on time for all exams.

Course Requirements

Course Orientation

Each student MUST complete Online Orientation form via the course Blackboard page. Just click on the Orientation link on the course Blackboard page and follow the directions. Only takes a moment.

Each student MUST complete the Online Orientation form no later than 11:59 pm on the deadline listed in the Course Schedule

WARNING!! Students who do NOT submit the Online Orientation form by the date listed in the Course Schedule will be Withdrawn from the course and may lose some or all of their financial aid.

New Federal Financial Aid reporting guidelines require the College to report students who "never attend" a course. ACC in turn requires faculty to report students who "never attended" by the Official Reporting Date. The Official Reporting Date happens very early in the semester. See the ACC Registration Calendar for the Official Reporting Dates. Please see the ACC Financial Aid office for questions about your financial aid and how the new policy might affect your financial aid status. So, make sure that you submit the Online Orientation form via course Blackboard page by the date listed in the Course Schedule.

Student Contact

Each student is REQUIRED to contact the instructor twice during the semester via the course Blackboard page.  Just click on the 1st and 2nd Contact links on the course Blackboard page and follow the directions. Only takes a moment.

The contacts must be done no later than 11:59 pm on the deadlines listed in the Course Schedule.

The contacts give students the opportunity to verify test scores, review any projects submitted for an A or B, and determine your course grade.  This is as much a requirement of the course as any other grading requirement. You will not pass the course if you do not to complete the course Contacts by 11:59 pm on the deadlines listed in the Course Schedule.

Students who do not complete a course contact by deadline on the date listed in the Course Schedule will lose one (1) point from the overall course average. So, if your Total Average were 90.27% then you would lose one (1) point and the new course average would become 89.27%. If you complete both the 1st & 2nd Contact late then you will lose a total of two (2) points from the overall Total Average in the course.

If you have any questions at any time, do not hesitate to contact me. I am happy to discuss your progress in the course, go over the term projects, review your exams, and talk about test-taking strategies.  And you can reach me via e-mail, by telephone, or in person during office hours.

Grading Policy

NOTE:  Failure to take all all fifteen (15) Chapter Quizzes and all (5) Unit Exams will result in a F in the course.
For the grade of D
In addition to the two course contacts, the student must take all fifteen (15) Chapter Quizzes and all five (5) exams and:
Failure to meet these requirements will result in the grade of F.  There are no further requirements.  But you should recognize that a D may not transfer to other colleges or universities as a history credit.  See the Course Schedule for the quiz, exam, and contact deadlines.
For the grade of C
In addition to the two course contacts, the student must take all all fifteen (15) Chapter Quizzes and all five (5) exams and:
Failure to take all all fifteen (15) Chapter Quizzes and all (5) Unit Exams will result in a F in the course.

There are no further requirements. See the Course Schedule for the quiz, exam, and contact deadlines.

NOTE: The highest grade you can earn in the course without a completed Book Review is a C.
For the grade of B
In addition to the two course contacts, the student must take all fifteen (15) quizzes, all five (5) exams, and:
Failure to take all all fifteen (15) Chapter Quizzes and all (5) Unit Exams will result in a F in the course.

NOTE: The highest grade you can earn in the course without a completed Book Review is a C.

To complete one B-Level objective, see the analytical Book Review page for details on how to:

a.) submit your choice for the analytical book review;
b.) submit your completed Outline (15 points) for the analytical book review; and
c.) turn in the completed
Final Draft of the book review (15 points).
NOTE:  You must complete all parts of a book review by the deadlines listed in the Course Schedule for the assignment to factor in to your final average and your final grade. You may not earn "partial credit." The points on the outlines and final drafts are not extra credit.

Instead, like the quizzes and exams, the points on the completed book review is calculated in the total course average.

Failure to take all all fifteen (15) Chapter Quizzes and all (5) Unit Exams will result in a F in the course.

See the Course Schedule for the quiz, exam, contact, and book review deadlines.

REMINDER: The highest grade you can earn in the course without a completed Book Review is a C.
For the grade of A
In addition to the two course contacts, the student must take all fifteen (15) quizzes, all five (5) exams, complete two Book Reviews, and:
Failure to take all all fifteen (15) Chapter Quizzes and all (5) Unit Exams will result in a F in the course.

: The highest grade you can earn in the course without a completed Book Review is a C.

To complete the A-Level objective see the analytical Book Review page for details on how to:
a.) submit your choices for the two (2) analytical book reviews;
b.) submit your completed Outlines (15 points) for the analytical book reviews; and
c.) turn in the completed
Final Drafts of the book reviews (15 points)
NOTE:  You must complete all parts of the book reviews by the deadlines listed in the Course Schedule for the assignments to factor in to your final average and your final grade. You may not earn "partial credit." The points on the outlines and final drafts are not extra credit.

Instead, like the quizzes and exams, the points on the completed book reviews are calculated in the total course average.

Failure to take all all fifteen (15) Chapter Quizzes and all (5) Unit Exams will result in a F in the course.

See the Course Schedule for the quiz, exam, contact, and book review deadlines.

Remember, in addition to the two course contacts, the student must take all fifteen (15) quizzes, all five (5) exams, and:

REMINDER: The highest grade you can earn in the course without a completed Book Review is a C.

See the Course Schedule for the quiz, exam, contact, and book review deadlines.

Testing Policy

Chapter Quizzes

Students must take all fifteen (15) Chapter Quizzes to complete the course.  Failure to take all (15) Chapter Quizzes will result in a F in the course.

Each chapter has a twenty-five (25) question multiple-choice quiz that focuses on the learning objectives found in the Study Guide. Please see the Study Guide for the steps to follow when reading the chapters in Give Me Liberty! and the links on the course Blackboard page to use in order to prepare for the Chapter Quizzes.

Combined, the total average of the Chapter Quizzes equals the value of one Unit Exam toward your final grade.

Students will take 15 Chapter Quizzes, one for each chapter in Foner, Give Me Liberty! An American History, vol. 1. Each Chapter Quiz is available via the course Blackboard page. Just click on:

To receive full credit, students must submit the Chapter Quizzes by 11:59 pm on the date the Chapter Quiz is due in the Course Schedule. If the quiz is submitted after 11:59 pm on the date the Chapter Quiz is due in the Course Schedule, it will be treated as a "late." The highest score you can receive on a late quiz is 18/25 (72%). 

NOTE:  The first quiz attempt will be graded and will count toward the Total Quiz Average. Students may take the quizzes more than once for practice.  But, only the first attempt will be graded.

The deadline for all late quizzes is the deadline for the 5th Exam. If you do not complete any quiz by the deadline for the 5th Exam, you will receive a 0 for each missing quiz. No quizzes will be accepted after the deadline for Exam 5 listed in the Course Schedule.

Students must:

REMEMBER:  The first quiz attempt will be graded and will count toward the Total Quiz Average. Students may take the quizzes more than once for practice.  But, only the first attempt will be graded.

Students may:

The deadline for all late quizzes is the deadline for the 5th Exam. If you do not complete any quiz by the deadline for the 5th Exam, you will receive a 0 for each missing quiz. No quizzes will be accepted after the deadline for Exam 5 listed in the Course Schedule.

AND: The first quiz attempt will be graded and will count toward the Total Quiz Average. Students may take the quizzes more than once for practice.  But, only the first attempt will be graded.

Unit Exams

Students must take all five (5) Unit Exams to complete the course. Failure to take all (5) Unit Exams will result in a F in the course

Each unit has a thirty (30) question multiple-choice exam that focuses on the learning objectives found in the Study Guide. Please see the Study Guide for how to prepare for the exams.  See the Course Schedule for the Chapters in Give Me Liberty! covered on each exam.

Remember it is your overall course average which determines your final grade.  In that sense, you may fail one or more exams and still pass the course provided that your average of all 5 exams and the 15 quizzes is 21/30 (70%) or better. In order to receive the maximum score on an exam, students must take exams no later than the deadline listed in the Course Schedule. If you take the exam after the deadline, then it counts as a re-test. See the re-test policy below.

Students must:

Students may:

Please see for the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on Use of the Testing Center. ACC TESTING CENTERS ARE CURRENTLY CLOSED



If you do not pass any or all of the five exams the first time you take the exam, then you may retest each exam once (and only once).  There are two restrictions on the retest:


Students will take their exams electronically on ACC Blackboard via the Respondus Lock Down Browser. You can use any of the computers in any ACC Testing Center to take your exams. Log in to your ACC Blackboard account, go to the course page, and click on “Exams.”

After you complete your exam or retest, the Testing Center will give you a "feedback" form.  KEEP THIS FORM!!!  The feedback form is your ONLY proof that you completed the test at the appropriate time.  DO NOT THROW AWAY ANY FEEDBACK FORM UNTIL YOU HAVE RECEIVED YOUR FINAL GRADE AT THE END OF THE SEMESTER!!!!

WARNING:  If you use the RGC Testing Center for this online course, please be sure to mark the Testing Center Student Request Form for "online."  Otherwise, you may receive my classroom test that is all essay.

To view your exams scores log in to your ACC Blackboard account, go to the course page, and click on Tools, and then My Grades. You can review your progress in the class via the Grade Center and also check your status on the orientation form and the B and A level projects.

Distance Testing

All of the exams are available via the course Blackboard page via the Exams link. Students who live outside the Central Texas area can take exams remotely via the course Blackboard page.

Students who live outside the Central Texas area and cannot travel to an ACC Testing Center may be able to have their exams proctored at another location through Distance Testing or via the online system ProctorU.  But:

Distance Testing can be a great convenience. But using Distance Testing to take your exams away from the Central Texas area does pose logistical difficulties that can interfere with with your successful completion of the course. So be sure to contact your instructor BEFORE registering for the course to discuss your options.

NOTE: Please contact the ACC Distance Education office and see the Distance Testing links for the appropriate forms. Remember, it is the student's responsibility to meet all ACC requirements for Distance Testing. And, students who do meet the requirements for Distance Testing MUST meet all course requirements and all deadlines. (See below)

The ACC Distance Education office makes all the arrangements for Distance Testing and will explain the costs. So contact the good folks at ACC Distance Education office right away to learn the options available for you.


Remember, you can start taking quizzes and exams as well as submitting the parts of the term projects as soon as the semester begins.

Let's talk about deadlines. Deadlines are not the first day you can complete an assignment; deadlines are the last day you can complete an assignment. Deadlines are not the only day you can complete an assignment; deadlines are the last day you can complete an assignment.

So do not wait until the last day, the deadline, to take a quiz or an exam or submit an assignment. Get your work done ahead of time. That way, if “life happens,” you have some time to work out options. If you wait until a deadline to complete part of the course and life interferes so you just cannot take an exam or turn in work, then you will have missed the Deadline.

As always, I am happy to visit about the course.  Just give me a call during my electronic office hours or we can set up a time.:)

YOU MUST complete the Online Orientation form via the course Blackboard page no later than 11:59 pm on the deadline listed in the Course Schedule.

YOU MUST take all exams in the ACC Testing Centers. You may take the exams as soon as you are ready. See the ACC Testing Centers for their locations and hours. See the section on Distance Testing above for how to take exams away from one of the ACC Testing Centers.

YOU MUST take the quizzes and exams by 11:59 pm on the  DEADLINES listed in the Course Schedule to receive full credit.
You may take the exam at any time the ACC Testing Centers are open up to and including the deadline date listed in the Course Schedule. There is no 11:59 pm deadline for the exams. See the ACC Testing Centers for their locations and hours.

YOU MUST take all quizzes and re-test exams by the DEADLINE for the 5TH EXAM listed in the Course Schedule

YOU MUST complete the 1st and 2nd Contacts via the course Blackboard page after you take the THIRD and FIFTH exam no later than 11:59 pm on deadline listed in the Course Schedule. See the section on Student Contacts above for the penalty for submitting the contacts late. Each student is REQUIRED to contact the instructor twice during the semester via the course Blackboard page.

YOU MUST submit the book choice for the B-Level Objective (the analytical Book Review), and submit the book choice for your A-Level Objective (the second analytical Book Review), for approval by the instructor no later than no later than 11:59 pm on the deadline listed in the Course Schedule.

YOU MUST submit the Outline for the B-Level Objective (the analytical Book Review), and submit the Outline for your A-Level Objective (the second analytical Book Review), for approval by the instructor no later than no later than 11:59 pm on the deadline listed in the Course Schedule. See the  Book Review guidelines for the penalty for submitting the Outline(s) one day late. Students who do not submit the outline will not be permitted to submit the Final Draft.

YOU MUST turn in your B-Level Objective (the analytical Book Review) and your A-Level Objective (the second analytical Book Review) no later than 11:59 pm on the deadline listed in the Course Schedule. See the Book Review guidelines for the penalty for submitting the Final Draft one day late.

All these DEADLINES WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED!  There will be NO EXTENSIONS for these deadlines. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE FULL CREDIT for any work (either quizzes, exams, retests, or A-Level or B-Level Objectives), submitted after the deadlines. And that includes work submitted after the 11:59 deadlines. See the section above on Testing Policy and see the Book Review links for details on deadlines for the quizzes, exams, and book reviews. Remember, the 11:59 deadline does NOT apply to exams.

Course Policies

Use laptop or desk top computers for quizzes & exams

NOTE:  Students must use a lap top or desk top computer to take the quizzes and exams via Blackboard.  You will not be able to take the exams via a phone, iPad, or tablet.  So be sure you have access to the internet and a computer -- not a tablet or an iPad or a phone -- to take the quizzes and exams.  The ACC Testing Centers are currently not available, so you will have to take the exams remotely.  And to take quizzes and exams via Blackboard you must use a lap top or desk top computer with live access to the internet.

Use of ACC email

Students are expected to use their ACC email for all course communication. Use your ACC email account ONLY to submit the parts of the term project -- Book Choice(s), Outline(s), and Final Draft(s). The College sends all official communication solely to the student's ACCmail account and expects students to read the messages in a timely manner. So that means all important information and emergency details will go only to your ACCmail. Students should expect to receive from, and send email to, their instructors via their ACCmail account. To set up an account, students can go to ACCmail for instructions.

Please see for the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on Use of ACC email.


Recording Policy

To ensure compliance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), student recording of class lectures or other activities is generally prohibited without the explicit written permission of the instructor and notification of other students enrolled in the class section. Exceptions are made for approved accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Recording of lectures and other class activities may be made by faculty to facilitate instruction, especially for classes taught remotely through Blackboard Collaborate or another platform. Participation in such activities implies consent for the student to be recorded during the instructional activity. Such recordings are intended for educational and academic purposes only.

Please see the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on Recording Policy.


Academic Integrity and Scholastic Dishonesty

WARNING:  Violations of academic integrity and scholastic dishonesty will NOT be tolerated. Acts prohibited by the College for which discipline may be administered include scholastic dishonesty and plagiarizing on academic work. Academic work is defined as, but not limited to, tests, quizzes, whether taken electronically or on paper; projects, either individual or group; classroom presentations, and homework. Some examples of scholastic dishonesty include, but are not limited to:

Plagiarism, like other forms of scholastic dishonesty, will result in an F in the course. Plagiarism is defined as using another's work (whether printed, electronic, or spoken), without crediting the source. All of the following are considered plagiarism:

"Giving credit" means citing the source of your information. If you use materials from a website, book, or other source, you must give credit to that author by citing the source in a note. Definitions above are copied and/or adapted from:

http://www.laspositascollege.edu/facultystaff/honesty.php and from

Any student guilty of scholastic dishonesty and violating academic integrity policy will automatically receive an F in the course and be remanded to the appropriate Austin Community College authorities for disciplinary action. See the ACC Student Handbook and the Academic Integrity and Disciplinary Process for details on student rights and responsibilities regarding scholastic dishonesty.

Please see for the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on Academic Integrity.



Incompletes will be given ONLY with a medical excuse certified by a physician.  All incompletes MUST be completed within the first four weeks of the following session.  THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS POLICY.


Student Withdrawals:

A grade of F on a transcript never looks good.  Further, bringing your grade point average back up after receiving an F takes a very long time.  To avoid that scenario, students who are in danger of earning less than a D will have the option to withdraw from the class.

Student withdrawals must be completed according to the guidelines of Austin Community College. See the ACC Catalog procedures for withdrawing from a class and the Course Schedule for the deadline by which you must withdraw from a class. Students may also withdraw from the course for non-academic reasons. Once again, see the guidelines in the ACC Catalog for details.

Instructor Withdrawals:

The instructor will NOT withdraw students for failing to fulfill any of the course requirements, see above. Instead, students will receive a grade based on their performance in the course. Students who fail to fulfill any of the course requirements will receive a F. Therefore, if a student registers for a course it is the student's responsibility to satisfy the course requirements. See the ACC Catalog procedures for withdrawing from a class and the Course Schedule for the deadline by which you must withdraw from a class.

Office Hours

I am always happy to visit about your status in the course, the term projects, preparation and test-taking strategies and any other questions you have about the course.  Just give me a call during my electronic office hours listed above and on my home page or we can set up a time.:)

Why? Problems generally are easier to solve BEFORE they happen. So, it is essential that students and the instructor make a concerted effort to maintain open lines of communication. In other words, talk to me. Let me know about any questions you have regarding the course, the material, and your performance. To that end, I have scheduled time to meet with students.  See my office hours listed above and on my home page or we can set up a time. You may also contact me via e-mail at:  dlauderb@austincc.edu. I do have one request. If you make an appointment, please make every effort to keep that appointment.:)

Student Evaluation

ACC Student Online Services provides a Web interface as an opportunity for you to evaluate the instructor(s) of your distance learning course. All Faculty Evaluation responses are kept confidential. Faculty members have no way to determine the source of any comments or responses to questions. Evaluation Reports are distributed to the faculty member after the final grades have been submitted. Instructions can be found at ACC Online Faculty Evaluation. To complete an evaluation you must be logged into the ACC Student Online Services system. Instructions for logging into the system are located here.

Student Privacy

In compliance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and ACC policy, I will NOT give information concerning your grades, academic progress, or attendance to anyone other than you, including your parents, guardians, or high school personnel.  NOTE: ACC makes your “Directory Information” (name, address, phone number, birthdate, and other information), available to the public without your consent, unless you specifically request in writing that it NOT be publicly available.

For more information and for instructions to restrict public access to your information see: http://www.austincc.edu/ferpa

Please see for the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on Privacy.


Student Responsibility

Students are expected to follow all of the requirements the ACC Student Standards of Conduct so that their actions:

Please see for the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on Student Rights & Responsibilities.



Check out the new Help! page from ACC Distance Learning for a range of services, including information about classes, testing, tutoring, Advising, and How Tos on using Blackboard. The ACC Learning Labs provide provide one-on-one and group tutoring as well as guided study groups in a variety of subject areas for your ACC classes. The ACC Learning Labs have offices located at the Cypress Creek, Eastview, Northridge, Pinnacle, Rio Grande, Riverside, Round Rock, and South Austin Campuses with hours morning, noon, and night plus weekends to help you get where you're going. Please see our hours of operation for more information.

ACC also provide 15 hours of free online tutoring services per semester for distance learning students who cannot come to campus to meet with a tutor in person. The service is called SMARTHINKING and provides academic support and independent study resources 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition to live, one-on-one help with a number of subjects, SMARTHINKING also offers an Online Writing Lab to assist students with writing essays and papers in many disciplines. Click here to contact the Learning Lab for a Username and Password to and login instructions.



College Policies

College Policies

Use of ACC email

Please see the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on 
Use of ACC email.


Campus Carry

Please see the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on 
Campus Carry.


Discrimination Prohibited

Please see the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on Discrimination Prohibited.


Recording Policy

Please see the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on
Recording Policy.


Safety Statement

Please see the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on  
Safety Statement.


Statement on Academic Integrity

Please see the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on 
Academic Integrity.


Senate Bill 212 and Title IX Reporting Requirements 

Please see the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on 
Senate Bill 212 and Title IX Reporting Requirements.


Statement on Privacy

Please see the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on Privacy.


Student Complaints

Please see the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on 
Student Complaints.


Student Rights & Responsibilities

Please see the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on 
Student Rights & Responsibilities.


Use of the Testing Center

Please see the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on 
Use of the Testing Center.



Please see the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on 
Student Support Services.


Academic Support

Please see the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on 
Academic Support.



Please see the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on 



Library Services

Please see the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on 
Library Services.


Personal Support

Please see the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on 
Personal Support.


Student Support

Please see the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on 
Student Support.


Student Accessibility Services

Please see the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on 
Student Accessibility Services.


Student Organizations

Please see the complete list of ACC College Policies for the official statement on 
Student Organizations.




© David Marcus Lauderback, 2022 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED