SPCH 1315





Fundamentals of Public Speaking is the study of the basic principles and techniques in research, composition, organization and delivery of speeches for various purposes. The course concentrates on practical experience in developing speaking and listening abilities to enable the student to communicate orally in clear, coherent language appropriate to the purpose, occasion, and audience. Skills: E



·         To understand and demonstrate speaking processes through invention, organization, drafting, revision, editing, and presentation

·         To understand the importance of specifying audience and purpose and to select appropriate communication choices

·         To understand and appropriately apply modes of delivery in oral communication, e.g. manuscript, extemporaneous, impromptu, memorized

·         To understand and apply basic principles of critical thinking, problem solving, and technical proficiency in the development of oral presentations and argument

·         To develop the ability to research and give an oral presentation with appropriate documentation

·         To develop the ability to use computer-based technology in communicating and acquiring information

·         To recognize the importance of becoming a responsible member of society

·         To foster a better understanding of cultural and ethnic diversity




A.    Four graded speeches are required but your instructor may require more.


1.     Complete one each of the following three oral presentations:

a)     Informative

b)    Persuasive

c)     Special Occasion


2.     At least two of the above must include written outlines.


3.     Complete one of the following oral presentation options as assigned:

a)     Impromptu

b)    Manuscript

c)     Memorized

d)    Group

e)     Videotaped

f)     Instructor’s choice of presentation


One written and/or oral exam will be given but your instructor may allow more.


      Credit Options

Additional projects might include activities such as:


1.     Interviews

2.     Speech preparation assignments

3.     Analysis of written, videotaped, and live speaking performances

4.     Written self-assessments of own speech performances

5.     Written assessments of other students’ speech performances

6.     Participation during in-class activities

7.     Instructor’s choice



In accordance with H.B. 2183, students who enroll for ACC Speech courses are expected to demonstrate competent English speaking and listening skills:

Ø  “Competence in speaking is the ability to communicate orally in clear, coherent, and persuasive language appropriate to purpose, occasion and audience.”

Ø  “Listening at the college level means the ability to analyze and interpret various forms of spoken communication.”



ACC Attendance Policy: Students are expected to attend classes in order to progress satisfactorily toward completion of course objectives. Because objectives vary from department to department and from course to course, instructors shall inform students of specific course objectives at the first class meeting. An instructor may withdraw a student who is not meeting course requirements. The student may appeal instructor withdrawals within 10 days. It is the student's responsibility to consult with instructors and seek counseling services when course objectives cannot be met.


Speech Department Policy: Your attendance is crucial to your success in this course. You must be present in order to master the skills needed to achieve the course objectives. The individual instructor shall inform the students of specific attendance requirements at the first class meeting. It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from the course by the official withdrawal date if personal circumstances prevent attendance.



Acts prohibited by the College for which discipline may be administered include scholastic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating on an exam or quiz, plagiarizing, and unauthorized collaboration with another in preparing outside work.  Academic work submitted by students shall be the result of their thought, research, or self-expression. Academic work is defined as, but not limited to tests, quizzes, whether taken electronically or on paper; projects, either individual or group; classroom presentations, and homework. 



Each student is strongly encouraged to participate in class. In any classroom situation that includes discussion and critical thinking, there are bound to be many differing viewpoints. These differences enhance the learning experience and create an atmosphere where students and instructors alike will be encouraged to think and learn. On sensitive and volatile topics, students may sometimes disagree not only with each other but also with the instructor. It is expected that faculty and students will respect the views of others when expressed in classroom discussions.



Each ACC campus offers support services for students with documented physical or psychological disabilities.  Students with disabilities must request reasonable accommodations through the Office for Students with Disabilities on the campus where they expect to take the majority of their classes.  Students are encouraged to do this three weeks before the start of the semester.