Personal Fitness Trainer

Length of Program:
Fitness Specialist Certification - 1 semester
Trainer Certification - 3 semesters
Trainer AAS - 5 semesters
Students Admitted: Fall
Minimum GPA: 2.0
Salary Range: $28K - $45K (Trainer AAS)
Cost of Program:
Fitness Specialist Certification - $1,865
Trainer Certification - $3,941
Trainer AAS - $6,909
In-district tuition for each program includes General and Student Fees.
There are other program related costs for each program.

The Personal Fitness Trainer Program prepares students for careers in the rapidly growing fitness and wellness industry. Personal trainers use their knowledge of fitness and exercise to help others improve their health and fitness levels safely and effectively. This program does not have immunizations or criminal background check requirements.

The program also incorporates material specific to national certification preparation for exams such as those offered by the American College of Sports Medicine (C-PT), National Strength and Conditioning Association (C-PT) and the American Council on Exercise (PT).


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