1. General Document Collections Covering All or Part of the Time Span of this Course

Beatty, John Louis, and Oliver A. Johnson, eds. Heritage of Western Civilization. 5th ed. Vol. 2. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1982. (Instructor has table of contents. PCL Stacks: CB 245 H428 1982 V. 2

Kohn, Hans. The Modern World: 1848 to the Present. 2nd ed. New York: Macmillan, 1968. (Instructor has table of contents.) PCL Stacks: D 351 K61

Meza, Pedro Thomas. Readings in Western Civilization: The Early Modern Period. Berkeley: McCutchan Publishing Corporation, 1970. (Contents begin with the Protestant Reformation and continue through the Napoleonic period. Instructor has table of contents.) PCL Stacks: 910.031821 M579R

Mosse, George L., and others, eds. Europe in Review: Readings and Sources Since 1500. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1957. (Instructor has table of contents.) PCL Stacks: D 5 E92

Robinson, James Harvey. Readings in European History: A Collection of Extracts from the Sources . . . Vol. II, From the Opening of the Protestant Revolt to the Present Day. Boston: Ginn and Company, 1906. (Instructor has table of contents.) PCL Stacks: 940 R563RA

Robinson, James Harvey, and Charles A. Beard. Readings in Modern European History: A Collection of Extracts from the Sources . . . Vol. I, The Eighteenth Century: The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Period. Vol. II, Europe Since the Congress of Vienna. Boston: Ginn and Company, 1908-1909. (Instructor has tables of contents.) PCL Stacks: 940 R563rm

Schaefer, Ludwig F., and others, eds. Problems in Western Civilization: The Challenge of History. New York: Charles Scribner, 1965. (May be a combined edition. See entry below.) Undergraduate Library: D 5.5 S3

Schaefer, Ludwig F., and others, eds. Problems in Western Civilization: The Challenge of History..Vol. 2. New York: Scribner, 1968. (Vol. 2 begins with the Enlightenment.) PCL Stacks: 914.03 SCH13P 1968 V.2.

Stearns, Peter N., ed. The Other Side of Western Civilization: Readings in Everyday Life. Vol 2: The Sixteenth Century to the Present. New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1973. PCL Stacks: CB 59 C493 V. 2

Thatcher, Oliver J., editor-in-chief. The Library of Original Sources. Vol. V. Contents: English Revolution (civil war).Vol. VI. Contents: Advance in knowledge in Europe, 1650-1800 (science, education, philosophy, political ideas.) Also, John Wesley. Vol. VII. Contents: Era of Revolution [1679-1789]. Vol. VIII. Contents: Europe, 1830-1833: Economics, philosophy, science. Vol. IX. Contents: Europe, 1833-1865: Science, education, evolution. Vol. X. Contents: Nineteenth-century European social movements, science, psychology. New York: University Research Extension, 1907. (Instructor has tables of contents.) PCL Stacks: AC 1 T4

Translations and Reprints from the Original Sources of European History. Series 1. Vol. I, "The Reaction after 1815 and European Policy of Metternich" and "The French Revolution, 1789-1791." Vol. II, "Napoleon and Europe." Vol. VI, "French Philosophers of the Eighteenth Century." Philadelphia: Department of History, University of Pennsylvania, 1897-1900. PCL Stacks: 940 P384 SER. 1

Viorst, Milton. The Great Documents of Western Civilization. Philadelphia: Chilton Books, 1966. Undergraduate Library Reference Collection (Use in library only): CB 245 V5