History Task Force Agenda


Department of History Meeting

Spring Annual Meeting

April 2, 2018

The History Department met in HBC 301.0 at noon and took the following action:


1.    Adopted the Brands et al. textbook, American Stories, A History of the United States (4th Edition) to replace Divine et al., America Past & Present (10th Edition) which is going out of print. The adoption is effective beginning in the fall 2018 semester.


2.    Declined to adopt the CogBooks platform as an alternative textbook. A majority of members felt that the Brands book offered superior content with exactly the same technological advantages.


3.    Approved a change in the A.A. in History Award Plan to add HUMA 1301 The Great Questions Seminar as an alternative to EDUC 1100 Effective Learning: Strategies for College Success. Members felt that the content was superior to EDUC 1100 and would provide a better preparation for History majors to undertake their academic work. Students would be able to choose between these two courses in their degree program.

4.    Approved as Department Policy: “The History Department prohibits electronic devices in all history classes. Exceptions are only by SAS Letters of Accommodation and must be used strictly for classroom purposes of the history class.”

5.   Heard an excellent report from Barbara Lane about the advantages of the lecture in teaching which were presented at the Lilly Conference she attended