History Task Force Agenda


Department of History

Spring Annual Meeting

April 4, 2014 in HBC 201 at 12 noon

The Department meeting was called to order at 12 noon with a quorum being present.
2.     The Department’s new Administrative Assistant, Dianna Botello was introduced.
3.     Amanda Robertson on McGraw Hill presented a technology demonstration of ancillaries available with their latest textbook, America.
4.     The History Department members voted unanimously to revise the requirements for the AA in History degree to make it a 60-62 semester credit hour degree in accordance with the Texas Legislature and Coordinating Board mandates. This involved changing the:
  1. foreign language requirements from 3-5 semester hours per course to 4-5 semester hours per course,
  2. dropping the 3 semester hour unrestricted elective
  3. changing  the natural science requirements from two 3-4 semester hour courses to one 3 semester hour course and the second course with 4 semester hours

5.     The Department congratulated Larry Willoughby and Maxyne Groner on their retirements
6.     The meeting adjourned at 2:00pm.

Send questions and comments to Patrick Goines