ASSIGNMENT - cross hatching, stippling and washes


Artists drawing with pen and ink must use the technique of hatching, cross hatching and stippling to create a tonal value. The use of these techniques can create a difference in value, create an illusion of volume or space as well as create the illusion of texture. Refer to the photocopies of the work of Van Gogh, Morandi or Biggers.

Ink and brush can also give variations in value if a wash is used. A wash is created by diluting ink with water to create various values from light gray to a dark, almost black. To control the value the artist can use several same size containers of water and add a measured amount more of ink to the each container creating a successively darker value.


You are to create a drawing using hatching, cross hatching and stippling in conjunction with a wash of 2 values.You are to draw the still life from observation. The drawing is to be appoximately 11 x14" centered on the 18 x24" drawing paper. You are to use correct proportion and scale. Foreshortening will be used to correctly portray the cylindrical or circular objects in space (represented as ellipses). You may use arbitrary value but you must use a full range of value.
In addition you are to create an emphasis or focal point in your composition for the viewer by using contrast, isolation or placement.

As research for this assignment you are to turn in:
1. a photo copy of an art work using cross hatching, hatching or stippling with a full range of value
2. a photo copy example of an artist using contrast, isolation or placement to create emphasis or a focal point in a drawing or painting.
3. A practice sketch of the use of stippling, cross hatching and wash
A. draw 2 - five inch squares
B. within those two squares draw 2 additional squares each one inch smaller than the other
C. shade using stipple, crosshatch and wash from dark to light

Email: jdefrese@yahoo.com
ACC Art Department updated 8/15/2002
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