Communication Exercise

This exercise isn't graded, but I won't grade any of your other work until you complete this quick exercise. It's my way of knowing that you've taken the initial steps to enable communication with me and to access Blackboard. Both are essential to doing well in the class.

1) Send me an email ( from your ACCmail account (taking the general form to demonstrate that you've activated the account. Use the title from the Course Syllabus as the Subject Line (GOVT 2306-047 (45628) Texas State and Local Government, Spring 2012). It's not essential to include any information in the Body.

2) Introduce yourself to your classmates on Blackboard's Discussion Board (available in the course's left navigation bar listed as either Participation Topics of Discussion Board). Start a new thread in the Forum titled Introductions with your name as the Subject Line. Tell us a bit about your personal background, your political ideology, political influences (if any), and your political experiences (voting, working on a campaign, and so forth). Why are you taking the class? What do you hope to get out of the class? What would you like to learn in the class?

You'll be able to repurpose part of this material as part of your first blog exercise.

 Kris S. Seago
Associate Professor, Government
Austin Community College (email, preferred communication method)
512.223.4231 (office phone, secondary communication method)