Online Orientation Part 1
2306-061-17142 Texas State and Local Government, Fall 2014
Summer 2014
Kris S. Seago
, Ph.D.

You must complete the two-part Online Orientation between Monday, August 25, and Friday, August 29, 2014. Doing so assures me that you're familiar with the course requirements (syllabus, policies, deadlines, and so on) and I will not grade any of your work until you've completed both parts of the orientation.

1. Activate (or verify) your ACCmail address.

ACC provides all students with an ACCmail address (taking the general form for official communication. This is the only address I can use to conduct class-related communication. I’ll send notices and supplemental readings to your ACCmail address on a regular basis.

2. Send a message from your ACCmail address (taking the general form


Subject: Online Orientation: GOVT 2306-061-17142

NOTE: Use the precise text above (Online Orientation: GOVT 2306-061-17142 as the Subject for this email message. Failing to do so will delay the subsequent steps.

There is no need to supply any text in the message/body field.

3. You'll receive an automated message reply to this email message. It may take a few hours to receive the automated message.

NOTE: You may proceed to Step 5 while waiting for the automated message.

4. Send a reply to this automated message from your ACCmail address to demonstrate that you've activated your ACCmail address. You may reply with something as simple as "I've activated my ACCmail account."

5. Log in to Blackboard.

ACC's Instructional Computing and Technology Services has published a Blackboard Support site with a brief Getting Started guide and answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

6. Access the Blackboard page for this class: 214F-17142-GOVT-2306-061: Texas State and Local Government (17142).

This Blackboard page contains announcements, the course sylllabus, course schedule, a course calendar (a Google Calendar), handouts, study guides, assignments, participation topics, a grade book where I'll post your grades, links to your colleague's blogs, links to exemplary blogs from prior semesters, and the class exams (which must be taken in a secure environment).

7. Complete the 10-question test under the Online Orientation Part 2 link in the left-hand navigation bar. Doing so with a grade of 70 or better completes the Online Orienttion.

NOTE: The grade on your Online Orientation test does not factor in to your final grade in the class.

If you have any questions, send me an email message to: