L. Patrick Hughes

Austin Community College



W. Andrew Achenbaum, Social Security: Visions and Revisions

John A. Adams, Jr., Damming The Colorado: The Rise of the Lower Colorado River Authority, 1933 -1939

James Agee and Walker Evans, Let Us Now Praise Famous Men

John M. Allswang, The New Deal and American Politics: A Study in Political Change

Joseph Alsop and Turner Catledge, The 168 Days (about the Court Fight)

William Anderson, The Wild Man from Sugar Creek: The Political Career of Eugene Talmadge

William Eugene Atkinson, James V. Allred: A Political Biography

Anthony J. Badger, The New Deal: The Depression Years, 1933-1940

Leonard Baker, Back To Back: The Duel between FDR and the Supreme Court

Sidney Baldwin, Poverty & Politics: The Rise and Decline of the Farm Security Administration

Jimmy Banks and John E. Babcock, Corralling The Colorado: The First Fifty Years of The Lower Colorado River Authority

John Barnard, Walter Reuther and the Rise of the Auto Workers

Bernard Bellush, The Failure of the NRA

Robert Bendiner, Just Around The Corner: A Highly Selective History of the Thirties

David H. Bennett, Demagogues in the Depression: American Radicals and the Union Party, 1932-1936

Andrew Bergman, We're In The Money: Depression America and Its Films

Irving Bernstein, A Caring Society: The New Deal, the Worker, and the Great Depression

Julia Kirk Blackwelder, Women of the Depression: Caste and Culture in San Antonio, 1929-1939

John M. Blum, From the Morgenthau Diaries: Years of Urgency

Matthew Paul Boinfield, The Dust Bowl: Men, Dirt, and Depression

Richard Briley, Death of the Kingfish (about Huey Long)

Alan Brinkley, Voices of Protest: Huey Long, Father Coughlin & The Great Depression

Alan Brinkley, The End of Reform: New Deal Liberalism in Recession and War

Alan Brinkley, Culture and Politics in the Great Depression

Norman D. Brown, Hood, Bonnet, and Little Brown Jug: Texas Politics, 1921-1928

Russell D. Buhite and David W. Levy, eds., FDR's Fireside Chats

Robb K. Burlage, James V. Allred - Texas' Liberal Governor

David Burner, Herbert Hoover: A Public Life

James MacGregor Burns, Roosevelt: The Lion and the Fox

Don Carleton, A Breed So Rare: The Life of J. R. Parten, Liberal Texas Oil Man, 1896-1992

Robert A. Caro, The Years of Lyndon Johnson: The Path to Power

Henry M. Christman, ed., Kingfish to America: Share Our Wealth, Selected Senatorial Papers of Huey P. Long

James Anthony Clark, Three Stars For The Colonel (about Ernest O. Thompson)

Wilbur J. Cohen, ed., The Roosevelt New Deal: A Program Reassessment Fifty Years Later

Paul Conkin, The New Deal

Tom Connally and Alfred Steinberg, My Name Is Tom Connally

David E. Conrad, The Forgotten Farmers: The Story of Sharecroppers in the New Deal

Blanche Wiesen Cooke, Eleanor Roosevelt: Volume 1, 1884-1933

Blanche Wiesen Cooke, Eleanor Roosevelt: Volume 2, 1933-1938

Alfred Haines Cope and Fred Krinsky, eds., Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Supreme Court

Robert C. Cotner, ed., Texas Cities and the Great Depression

Ernest Cuneo, Life with Fiorello; A Memoir (about Fiorello La Guardia)

Robert Dallek, Lone Star Rising: Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1908-1960

Pete Daniel, Merry Foresta, Maren Stange, and Sally Stein, Official Images: New Deal Photography

Roger Daniels, The Bonus March: An Episode of the Great Depression

Kenneth S. Davis, FDR (4 volumes and counting)

Christopher De Noon, Posters of the PWA

Henry C. Dethloff, Huey P. Long: Southern Demagogue or American Democrat?

Hermann B. Deutsch, The Huey Long Murder Case

James C. Duram, Norman Thomas

Lawrence Elliott, Little Flower: The Life and Times of Fiorello La Guardia

Edward R. Ellis, A Nation in Torment: The Great Depression, 1929-1939

Walker Evans, Photographs For The Farm Security Administration, 1935-1938

Walker Evans, American Photographs

Walker Evans and Jerry Thompson, Walker Evans At Work

Sidney Fine, Sit-Down: The General Motors Strike of 1936-1937

Harry Fleischman, Norman Thomas

Frank Friedel, F.D.R. and the South

Frank Freidel, Franklin D. Roosevelt (4 volumes)

John Kenneth Galbraith, The Great Crash, 1929

Walter Galenson, The C.I.O. Challenge to the A. F. of L

Wayne Gard, Texas Kingfish (about W. Lee "Pappy" O'Daniel)

John A. Garraty, The Great Depression: An Inquiry Into the Causes, Course, and Consequences of the Worldwide Depression of the 1930s

Charles Garrett, The La Guardia Years: Machine and Reform Politics in New York City

William Gellermann, Martin Dies

Doris Kearns Goodwin, No Ordinary Time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The Home Front in World War II

Otis L. Graham, Jr. and Meghan Robinson Wander, eds., Franklin D. Roosevelt: His Life And Times, An Encyclopedic View

George Norris Green, The Establishment in Texas Politics: The Primitive Years, 1938-1957

William Ivy Hair, The Kingfish and His Realm: The Life and Times of Huey P. Long

David E. Hamilton, From New Day to New Deal: American Farm Policy from Hoover To Roosevelt, 1928-1933

D. B. Hardeman and Donald C. Bacon, Rayburn: A Biography

Thomas O. Harris, The Kingfish: Huey P. Long, Dictator

Ellis W. Hawley, The New Deal and the Problem of Monopoly

August Heckscher, When La Guardia Was Mayor: New York's Legendary Years

Kenneth E. Hendrickson, Jr. and Michael Collins, eds., Profiles In Power: Twentieth-Century Texans in Washington

Richard B. Henderson, Maury Maverick: A Political Biography

Lorena Hicock, One-Third of a Nation

Harold M. Hollingsworth & William F. Holmes, eds., Essays On The New Deal

Abraham Holtzman, The Townsend Movement

Herbert Hoover, The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover: The Great Depression, 1929-1941

Donald S. Howard, The WPA and Federal Relief Policy

Huey at 100: Centennial Essays on Huey P. Long

John Gabriel Hunt, ed., The Essential Franklin Delano Roosevelt (presidential speeches)

F. Jack Hurley, Portraid of a Decade (about FSA photodocumentation of 1930s)

Harold L. Ickes, The Secret Diary of Harold L. Ickes: The First Thousand Days, 1933-1936

Peter H. Irons, New Deal Lawyers

Glen Jeansonne, Messiash for the Masses: Huey P. Long and the Great Depression

Glen Jeansonne, Gerald L. K. Smith: Minister of Hate

Jesse H. Jones, Fifty Billion Dollars: My Thirteen Years with the RFC, 1932-1945

Matthew Josephson, Sidney Hillman

Harnett T. Kane, Louisiana Hayride: The American Rehearsal for Dictatorship

Thomas Kessner, Fiorello H. La Guardia and the Making of Modern New York

John B. Kirby, Black Americans in the Roosevelt Era: Liberalism and Race

Harvey Klehr, The Heyday of American Communism: The Depression Decade

William K. Klingman, 1929: The Year of the Great Crash

Fiorello La Guardia, The Making of an Insurgent, An Autobiography

Joseph P. Lash, Dealers and Dreamers: A New Look at the New Deal

William E. Leuchtenburg, Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1940

Betty and Ernest K. Lindley, A New Deal for Youth: The Story of the National Youth Administration

Donald Lisio, The President and Protest: Hoover, Conspiracy and the Bonus Riot

Huey Pierce Long, Every Man A King: The Autobiography of Huey P. Long

Huey Pierce Long, My First Hundred Days in the White House

Katie Loucheim, ed., The Making of the New Deal: The Insiders Speak

Richard Lowitt, The New Deal and the West

Roy Lubove, The Struggle for Social Security, 1900-1935

Robert S. Lynd and Helen M. Lynd, Middletown in Transition

Donald R. McCoy, Landon of Kansas (about Alf Landon)

Donald R. McCoy, Angry Voices: Left-of-Center Politics in the New Deal Era

Robert S. McElvaine, The Great Depression: America, 1929-1941

George McJimsey, Harry Hopkins

Seth Sheppard McKay, W. Lee O'Daniel and Texas Politics, 1938-1942

Richard D. McKinzie, The New Deal For Artists

Jerry Mangione, The Dream and the Deal (about the Federal Writers Project)

Sheldon Marcus, Father Coughlin: The Tumultuous Life of the Priest of the Little Flower

Karal Ann Marling, Wall-to-Wall America: A Cultural History of Post-Office Murals in The Great Depression

George Martin, Madam Secretary, Frances Perkins

Robert Rene Martindale, James V. Allred: The Centennial Governor of Texas

Jane DeHart Matthews, The Federal Theatre, 1935-1939: Plays, Relief, and Politics

Maury Maverick, A Maverick American

Irvin May, Marvin Jones: The Public Life of an Agrarian Advocate

Milton Meltzer, Brother Can You Spare A Dime: The Great Depression

Broadus Mitchell, Depression Decade: From the New Era Through the New Deal, 1929-1941

Greg Mitchell, The Campaign of the Century: Upton Sinclair's Race for Governor of California and the Birth of Media Politics

Ted Morgan, FDR: A Biography

Mark Naison, Communists in Harlem During the Depression

Quida Nalle, The Fergusons of Texas (about James and Miriam Ferguson)

George D. Nash, The Life of Herbert Hoover

Antony M. Orum, Power, Money, and the People: The Making of Modern Austin

Marlene Park and Gerald E. Markowitz, New Deal for Art: The Government Art Projects of the 1930s

Donald L. Parman, The Navajos and the New Deal

Herbert S. Parmet and Marie B. Hecht, Never Again: A President Runs for a Third Term

Lionel V. Patenaude, Texas, Politics, and the New Deal

James T. Patterson, Congressional Conservatism and the New Deal: The Growth of the Conservative Coalition in Congress, 1933-1939

James T. Patterson, The New Deal and the States: Federalism in Transition

Dexter Perkins, The New Age of Franklin Roosevelt, 1932-1945

Van L. Perkins, Crisis in Agriculture: The Agricultural Adjustment Act and the New Deal

Jerome Prescott, ed., America At The Crossroads: Great Photographs from the Thirties

C. Herman Pritchett, The Roosevelt Court: A Study in Judicial Politics andValues, 1937-1947

Merlo J. Pusey, The Supreme Court Crisis

Basil Rauch, The History of the New Deal, 1933-1938

Ed Reed, Requiem for a Kingfish (about Huey Long)

Mark Reisler, By the Sweat of Their Brow: Mexican Immigrant Labor in the UnitedStates, 1900-1940

Leo P. Ribuffo, The Old Christian Right: The Protestant Far Right from the Great Depression to the Cold War

Albert Romansco, The Poverty of Abundance: Hoover, the Nation, the Depression

Albert Romansco, The Politics of Recovery: Roosevelt's New Deal

Eleanor Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt's My Day: Her Acclaimed Columns, 1936-1945

John A. Salmond, The Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933-1942: A New Deal Case Study

Theodore Salutos, The American Farmer and the New Deal

Sean J. Savage, Roosevelt the Party Leader

Tom Schachtman, The Day America Crashed

Frederick H. Schapsmear and Edward L. Schapsmeir, Henry A. Wallace of Iowa: The Agrarian Years, 1910-1940

Lois Scharf, To Work and to Wed: Female Employment, Feminism, and the Great Depression

Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., The Age of Roosevelt (3 volumes)

Jordan A. Schwarz, The New Dealers: Power Politics in the Age of Roosevelt

Jordan A. Schwarz, The Interregnum of Despair: Hoover, Congress, and the Depression

Gilbert Seldes, The Years of the Locust - America, 1929-1932

Philip Selznick, TVA and the Grass Roots: A Study in the Sociology of Formal Organization

David A. Shannon, The American Socialist Party

Howard Sitkoff, A New Deal for Blacks: The Emergence of Civil Rights as a National Issue

Gene Smith, The Shattered Dream: Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression

Robert Sobel, Herbert Hoover at the Onset of the Great Depression

Robert Sobel, The Great Bull Market: Wall Street in the 1920s

James Wright Steely, Parks for Texas: Enduring Landscapes of the New Deal

James Wright Steely, The Civilian Conservation Corps in Texas

Alfred Steinberg, Sam Rayburn: A Biography

Bernard Sternsher, Hitting Home: The Great Depression in Town and Country

Rodger Streitmatter, Empty Without You: The Intimate Letters of Eleanor Roosevelt And Lorena Hickok

William Swanberg, Norman Thomas, The Last Idealist

Studs Terkel, Hard Times: An Oral History of the Great Depression

Gordon Thomas and Max Morgan-Witts, The Day the Bubble Burst: A Social History of The Wall Street Crash of 1929

Bascom N.Timmons, Garner of Texas: A Personal History

Bascom N. Timmons, Jesse H. Jones: The Man and the Statesman

Charles Tull, Father Coughlin and the New Deal

Warren Van Tine and Melvyn Dubofsky, John L. Lewis: A Biography

Susan Ware, Holding Their Own: American Women in the 1930s

Susan Ware, Beyond Suffrage: Women in the New Deal

Donald Warren, Radio Priest: Charles Coughlin, The Father of Hate Radio

Frank Warren, Liberals & Communism: The "Red Decade" Revisited

Frank Warren, An Alternative Vision: The Socialist Party in the 1930s

Harris Gaylord Warren, Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression

T. H. Watkins, The Great Depression: America in the 1930s

T. H. Watkins, Righteous Pilgrim: The Life and Times of Harold L. Ickes, 1874-1952

Dixon Wecter, The Age of the Great Depression

Nancy Weiss, Farewell to the Party of Lincoln: Black Politics in the Age of FDR

Susan Winslow, Brother, Can You Spare A dime? America From the Wall Street Crash To Pearl Harbor, An Illustrated Documentary

T. Harry Williams, Huey P. Long: An Inaugural Lecture

T. Harry Williams, Huey Long

Joan Hoff Wilson, Herbert Hoover: Forgotten Progressive

Donald W. Wisenhunt, The Depression in Texas: The Hoover Years

Donald W. Wisenhunt, ed., The Depression in the Southwest

George Wolfskill, The Revolt of the Conservatives: A History of the American Liberty League, 1934-1940

Raymond Wolters, Negroes and the Great Depression

Donald Worster, Dust Bowl

WPA Guide to Texas (reprint by Texas Monthly Press)

David Zinman, The Day Huey Long Was Shot



Theses and Dissertations

Hubert N. Antley, "A New Deal Experiment in Planned Utopia: A Study of Dalworthington Gardens and the Subsistence Homestead Program, 1933-1937" (M.A. thesis, University of Texas at Arlington, 1980)

William Eugene Atkinson, "James V. Allred: A Political Biography, 1899-1935" (Ph.D.dissertation, Texas Christian University, 1978)

Richard Ray Bailey, "Morris Sheppard of Texas: Southern Progressive and Prohibitionist" (Ph.D. dissertation, Texas Christian University, 1980)

Donald Scott Barton, "The Myth of Hoovercrats: Alienation, Mobilization, and the New Deal Realignment in Texas" (M.A. thesis, Texas A & M University, 1987)

Christie Lynne Bourgeois, "Lyndon Johnson's Years With The National Youth Administration" (M.A. thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 1986)

Lloyd Dwight Chaney, "The Texas Congressional Delegation's Relation to the New Deal" (M.A. thesis, East Texas State University, 1967)

Robert Jack Christopher, "Rebirth and Lost Opportunities: The Texas AFL and the New Deal, 1933-1939" (M.A. thesis, University of Texas at Arlington, 1977)

Edward Oda Daniel, "Sam Rayburn: Trials of a Party Man" (Ph.D. dissertation, University of North Texas, 1979)

Ann Rebecca Daniels, "Baytown during the Depression, 1929-1933" (M.A. thesis, Lamar University - Beaumont, 1981)

Andrew J. Davis, Jr., "Texas's Reaction to the New Deal, 1933-1940" (M.A. thesis, Texas Southern University, 1967)

Barbara T. Day, "The Oil and Gas Industry and Texas Politics, 1930-1935" (Ph. D.dissertation, Rice University, 1973)

Dorothy D. DeMoss, "Dallas, Texas, During the Early Depression: The Hoover Years, 1929-1933" (M.A. thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 1966)

Judy Kaaz Doyle, "Out of Step: Maury Maverick and the Politics of the Depression and the New Deal" (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 1989)

Escal Franklin Duke, "The Life and Political Career of Fritz G. Lanham" (M.A. thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 1941)

Fred Floyd, "A History of the Dust Bowl" (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Oklahoma, 1950)

Richard Amado Garcia, "The Making of the Mexican American Mind, San Antonio, Texas, 1929-1942: A Social and Intellectual History of an Ethnic Community" (Ph.D.dissertation, University of California-Irvine, 1980)

Jan Patton Haney, "A Study of Southern Insurgency within the Texas Congressional Delegation, 1933-1938" (M.A. thesis, University of North Texas, 1976)

Floylee Hunter Hemphill, "Mayor Tom Miller and the First Year of the New Deal in Austin, Texas" (M.A. thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 1976)

John Robert Hollis, "The WPA's Historical Work in Texas: The Federal Historical Records Survey, 1936-1939) (M.A. thesis, Baylor University, 1981)

Dorothy R. Hudgeons, "His Word, His Bond: Sam Rayburn, Southerner, and Grayson County, Texas" (M.A. thesis, Texas Women's University, 1985)

Charles Christopher Jackson, "A Southern Black Community Comes of Age: Black San Antonio in the Great Depression, 1930-1941" (M.A. thesis, Texas A & M University, 1989)

Judith G. Jenkins, "Austin, Texas during the Great Depression, 1929-1936" (M.A.thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 1966)

Billy Bundick Kemper, "Lindley Beckworth: Grassroots Congressman" (M.A. thesis, Stephen F. Austin State University, 1980)

Edwin William Knippa, Jr., "The Early Political Life of Lyndon Johnson, 1931-1937" (M.A. thesis, Southwest Texas State Teachers College, 1967)

Lyndon Gayle Knippa, "San Antonio, Texas During The Depression, 1933-1936" (M.A.thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 1971)

Irene Ladesma, "The New Deal Public Works Programs and Mexican-Americans in McAllen, Texas, 1933-1936" (M.A. thesis, University of Texas - Pan American,1977)

Ron C. Law, "Congressman Hatton W. Sumners of Dallas, Texas: His Life and Congressional Career, 1875-1937" (Ph.D. dissertation, Texas Christian University, 1990)

Patricia A. Levee, "James V. Allred of Texas: A Judicial Biography" (M.A. thesis, Rice University, 1991)

Yolanda Chavez Leyva, "Anos de Desperacion: The Great Depression and the Mexican American Generation in El Paso, Texas, 1929-1935" (M.A. thesis, University of Texas at El Paso, 1989)

Marcia A. Lindsay, "Relief Efforts in Tom Green County, Texas during the Great Depression, 1933-1936" (M.A. thesis, Angelo State University, 1990)

Roland W. Melugin, "The Dallas Morning News and the New Deal" (M.A. thesis, East Texas State University, 1965)

William E. Montgomery, "The Depression in Houston during the Hoover Years, 1929-1932" (M.A. thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 1966)

Janet Louise Schmelzer, "The Early Life and Early Congressional Career of Wright Patman: 1894-1941" (Ph.D. dissertation, Texas Christian University, 1978)

Iris T. Schumann, "The Great Depression, 1929-1939: A Period of Changing Social Attitudes toward Community Self-reliance in New Braunfels and Comal County, Texas" (M.A. thesis, Southwest Texas State University, 1980)

Steve Alan Sellers, "The Editorial Reaction of Texas Daily Newspapers to Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1938" (M.A. thesis, University of North Texas, 1977)

James M. Sorelle, "The Darker Side of Heaven: The Black Community in Houston,Texas, 1917-1945" (Ph.D. dissertation, Kent State University, 1980)

James Wright Steely, "Rustic Style in Depression Texas: Federal Architecture in the State Parks, 1933-1941" (M.Arch. thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 1985)

Julianne S. Stephens, "From Depression to Development: The Social Impact of the Discovery of Oil in East Texas during the Depression Era" (M.A. thesis, Baylor University, 1991)

Kurt A. Streck, "Hard Times Revisited: Nacogdoches County in the Great Depression, 1929-1939" (M.A. thesis, Stephen F. Austin State University, 1985)

Carol Whiteside Weisenberger, "The National Youth Administration in Texas, 1935-1943" (Ph. D. dissertation, Texas A & M University, 1988)

Mark Alan Wellborn, "Texas and the CCC: A Case Study in the Successful Administration of a Confederated State and Federal Program" (M.A. thesis, University of North Texas, 1989)




Michael Barr, "A Comparative Examination of Federal Work Relief in Fredericksburg and Gillespie County," Southwestern Historical Quarterly

Roger Biles, "The New Deal in Dallas," Southwestern Historical Quarterly, 95, No. 1 (July 1991)

Christie Lynne Bourgeois, "Stepping Over Lines: Lyndon Johnson, Black Texans, and the National Youth Administration, 1935-1937," Southwestern Historical Quarterly, 91 (Oct. 1987)

James MacGregor Burns, "FDR's Last Journey," American Heritage (August 1970)

Robert Crowley, "The Drought and the Dole: Herbert Hoover's Dismal Dilemma," American Heritage (Feb. 1972)

Kenneth S. Davis, "The Birth of Social Security," American Heritage (April/May 1979)

Kenneth S. Davis, "Incident In Miami," American Heritage (December 1980) (about an assassination attempt on FDR)

L. Patrick Hughes, "Working Within the System: Lyndon Johnson and Tom Miller, 1937-1939," Southwestern Historical Quarterly, 96 (October, 1992)

Judith Johnson, "Crisis in Corrections: Penitentiaries in the Far Southwest during the Great Depression," New Mexico Historical Review (January 1994)

William R. Johnson, "Rural Rehabilitation in the New Deal: The Ropesville Project,"Southwestern Historical Quarterly

William E. Leuchtenburg, "FDR and the Kingfish," American Heritage

William E. Leuchtenburg, "Why the Candidates Still Use FDR as Their Measure," American Heritage (February, 1988)

William E. Leuchtenburg, "The Case of The Chambermaid and the Nine Old Men," American Heritage (December 1986)

R. Reynolds McKay, "The Federal Deportation Campaign in Texas: Mexican Deportation From the Lower Rio Grande Valley during the Great Depression," Borderlands (Fall 1981)

Greg Mitchell, "How Media Politics Was Born," American Heritage (September/October 1988)

Richard Murphy, "Texas Testament," American Heritage (December, 1997) (recalling FSA photographer Russell Lee's trip to San Augustine in 1939)

Lionel V. Patenaude, "The Texas Congressional Delegation," Texana, 9, No. 1 (1971)

Lionel V. Patenaude, "Garner, Sumners, and Connally: The Defeat of the Roosevelt Court Bill in 1937," Southwestern Historical Quarterly, 74 (July 1970)

James T. Patterson, "The Failure of Party Realignment in the South, 1937-1939," The Journal of Politics, 27 (August 1965)

Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., "The Man of the Century," American Heritage (May/June 1994) (about FDR)

Alexander Shanks, "Sam Rayburn and the Democratic Convention of 1932," Texana (Winter,1965)

Randy J. Sparks, ""Heavenly Houston" Or "Hellish Houston"? Black Unemployment and Relief Efforts, 1929-1936," Southern Studies

James Wright Steely, "Birth of the Parks," Texas Parks & Wildlife (July 1998)

D. Jerome Tweton, "The New Deal, The Great Plains, and the People," Panhandle-Plains Historical Review

Michael G. Wade, "Back To The Land: The Woodlake Community, 1933-1943," East Texas Historical Journal , 21, No. 2 (1983)

Kenneth P. Walker, "The Pecan Shellers of San Antonio and Mechanization," Southwestern Historical Quarterly, 65 (July 1965)

Robert S. Weddle, "Depression Times in Rayburn County: Some Aspects of the New Deal," East Texas Historical Journal

Stuart L. Weiss, "Maury Maverick and the Liberal Block," The Journal of American History, 57 (March 1971)

Donald L. Zelman, "Alazan-Apache Courts: A New Deal Response to Mexican American Housing Conditions in San Antonio," Southwestern Historical Quarterly, 87 (October 1983)

David Zinman, "The Meteoric Life and Mysterious Death of Huey Long," American Heritage (July/August 1993)