Austin Community College

Business Law 2301(Spring 2010)

Riverside Campus


Class Days:          Mondays and Wednesday s

Class Hours:                  5:40 p.m. until 6:55 p.m.

Textbook:             Anderson’s Business Law and The Legal Environment

Author:                Twomey, Jennings and Fox

Edition:                20e  Edition, Standard Volume


Class Management


§  Class will begin promptly at 5:40 p.m.

§  Attendance Sheet will be passed around for each student to sign his/her name only.

§  Absent Policy: After you have been absent for two days, the third day and every day after will result in a one-point deduction for each day you are absent from your FINAL GRADE.

§  Tardy Policy: After you have been tardy two times, the third time and every time after will result in a one-point deduction for time you are tardy from your FINAL GRADE.

§  Test Policy: If you are absent on the day of a test, you may take the test at the Testing Center within two business days. Example: when a test is scheduled for Monday and you are absent, you must take the test no later than the close of business on the following Wednesday. If you do not take the test within the prescribed time period, you will receive a zero for that test. There is an automatic deduction of 15 points from your test score. THE FINAL EXAM WILL NOT BE PLACED IN THE TESTING CENTER. Please arrive a few minutes early so that you will not disturb other class members once the test has begun.

§  Extra Assignment: No extra assignments will be given to improve your grade

§  No cell phones, children, food, drinks or beepers are allowed in the classroom

§  Other rules will be determined on a case by case basis

§  If you leave class early without advanced notice, you will be considered absent.



§  Test:  There will be a total of 3 tests. Your test scores will be added and divided by 3 to arrive at an average.

§  Outside Assignments:    There will be a total of 3 newspaper articles assignments. This assignment requires you to type a two-page document of a news article (attach news article) regarding something that we have discussed in class.  Each assignment is worth 5 points each, totaling 15 points. Depending on the quality of the assignment, you could receive less than 5 points. Failure to turn in your article on the due date (at the end of class) will result in a one point deduction for each day it is late. All late newspaper articles shall be turned in to the Professors/Adjunct mailroom. Make sure that your article is date stamped. No assignment will be accepted if it is turned in after Tuesday proceeding the date it was due.


·        Newspaper Articles shall consist of the following: (2 pages, single space)

o   Title of case

o   Facts

o   Issue(s)

o   Applicable law

o   Outcome

o   Give examples of how this article relates to our class discussion

o   Please staple or use paper clips secure all pages


§  You are responsible for researching a case study. The case study is worth 15 points. (3 pages single space)


Case Study (Research)

·        Case Title

·        Facts

·        Issue

·        Court Process (Trial Court, Court of Appeal, US Supreme Court) and decisions made by each court

·        Do you agree with the final court’s decision?

·        Attach court case

·        No more than three (3) type written pages

·        Please staple or use paper clips secure all pages



Class Grade

1)    Case Study – 15 points

2)    Newspaper Articles (3) – 5 points each (15 points)

3)    Test (3) average – 100

4)    Total 130 points

5)    Homework Assignment – 5 points ***

6)    Class Presentation (TBD)


Grade Scale

          115 – 130 = A

          114 -    99 = B

          98 –     84 = C

          83 –     69  = D

          68 and below F

Note: Class Presentation will change the above Grade Scale


Contact Information


Home number: 512-218-0148

Email address:

Cell: 923-1911

Office Hours – Immediately following class

Class Schedule and Assignments Dates


January 18, 2010                              MLK Holiday

January 19, 2010                                        Chapter 1

January 25, 2010                                        Chapter 2

January 27, 2010                                        Chapter 2


February 1, 2010                                        Chapter 3

February 3, 2010                                        Chapter 3

February 8, 2010                                        Chapter 4

February 10, 2010                                               Chapter 5

February 15, 2010                                               Test 1 and First                                                                                       Newspaper Article Due

February 17, 2010                                                Chapter 6

February 22, 2010                                               Chapter 8

February 24, 2010                                               Chapter 9


March 1, 2010                                            Chapter 10

March 3, 2010                                            Test 2 and Second                                                                                  Newspaper Article Due


March 8, 2010      Chapter 11or Group Discussion for Class Presentation

March 10, 2010    Chapter 11 or Group Discussion for Class Presentation

March 15- 21, 2010                                    Spring Break

March 22, 2010                                          Chapter 12

March 24, 2010                                          Chapter 12

March 29, 2010                                          Chapter 13

March 31, 2010                       Chapter 13 Third Newspaper Article Due


April 5, 2010                                    Chapter 14 or Class Presentation

April 7, 2010                                    Chapter 14 or Class Presentation

April 12, 2010                                  Chapter 15 or Class Presentation


April 14, 2010                                  Chapter 16 or Class Presentation

April 19, 2010                                            Chapter 17

April 21, 2010                                            Chapter 39

April 26, 2010                                            Chapter 39

April 28, 2010


May 3, 2010                                               Review and Research Paper Due

May 5, 2010                                               Final Exam





INSTRUCTOR: Luther Johnson received his B.S. from East Texas State University
(name changed to Texas A&M at Commerce, TX) and Juris Doctor from Thurgood
Marshall School of Law. Luther has been employed with state agencies and
City of Austin and has been at UT Austin for 13 years. His professional
career spans over 30 years and has held various positions such as Assistant
Director for compliance and Campus Relations, Director of Employee
Relations, Adjunct Professor at Austin Community College District (currently
employed), Director of Human Resources, Human Resources Manager, EEO Trainer
and Hearing Officer.