
Guidelines for Submitting "Progress Reports"

As one of your "class participation" activities each week, you may choose to email me a "status report" on your progress during that week. The purpose of these reports is for you to reflect on the work you have been doing and let me know about it. For convenience, please use a subject line of "Status report". In it, please answer the following questions:

  1. How much work in the course have you done over the last week? What sections have you worked, about how much time have you spent on the computer and how much on homework? (Hint: If you haven't done much of anything in the last week, then you won't get full credit for this either.)
  2. What are you having the most trouble with? What kinds of problems are you finding the most difficult?
  3. How do you plan to try to solve this problem (or problems)? What are you going to do to get help with the math you are having the most trouble with?
  4. What did you do the best on this week? Which types of problems do you like the most?
  5. Is there anything you were having trouble with last week that you understand better now? If so, what is it?
  6. Are there any non-math things that are holding you back this week? (You do not have to explain personal details, but if you are running very short on time due to family obligations, you can just say that.) Can you think of things you could do to either change these things or work around them?

Also, feel free to add any additional brief comments or question. (Please post your math questions on the message boards, however.)

If I find that several people are having trouble with the same things, I may post some a message about it on the message boards, perhaps with some hints or further ideas.

Here is an example of what I want here:

  1. I finished sections 2.1 and 2.2 last week. I worked on the computer 3 days for maybe a couple of hours each and spent another 3 days working on the homework (1 - 2 hours each).
  2. I am having some problems solving equations with fraction in them. I keep forgetting to multiply BOTH sides by the LCD.
  3. I'm going to practice some more problems like this out of the book and if I still don't get it, I think I'll go see the tutors.
  4. I've got this order of operations thing down. I got almost all of those right before I even checked my answer. Ha.
  5. I figured out the difference between finding the LCM and GCF now. I read the instructor's notes and coming in to office hrs helped.
  6. I've got to stop falling asleep halfway through my homework. Maybe I'll start earlier in the evening...

This webpage was created by Marcus McGuff.
It was last updated on August 14, 2006 .