Joint Mathematics Meetings 2016

Lindsay Orlando* (, Austin Community College, Highland Campus,
6101 Airport Blvd, Austin, TX 78752, and Mary Parker and Hunter Ellinger.

Statistical Visualization Applets for the Collegiate QL Course.

Statistical topics are often hard to for students to conceptualize and time-consuming to create by hand. In this talk I
will present how several visualization Applets (designed and written by Dr. Mary Parker and Hunter Ellinger at Austin
Community College) can be used in a Quantitative Literacy course that includes basic statistical content to enhance
student understanding of how to create and interpret histograms, various plot types, correlation, and more. These open-
source Applets and their instructions can be copied to an instructor's own webpage and modified.

Slides (To be added by Fri. Jan. 8) or email

Applets illustrated in the talk:

Main Visualize Applets page :