PHYS 1405 – Conceptual Physics I

Motion Diagrams


Leader: _________________________          Recorder: ___________________________

Skeptic: ________________________           Motivator: __________________________



Bowling Ball

Paper Towels

Stop Watch


Meter stick



      This activity will introduce the basic concepts of kinematics, the description of motion. You will construct a motion diagram which shows the position of an object after equal time intervals.



      Tape a piece of paper about 8 feet long on along the floor.  Roll a bowling ball along the paper and mark the location of the ball at 1 s intervals.  You want to have at least six marks, so adjust the speed of the ball accordingly.  If you record several different runs, make sure that you can distinguish the marks from each run.


Data Analysis

In the following there are numbered paragraphs and numbered questions.  Answer the questions in the provided space.  The numbered paragraphs direct you to put in information into the data table or else draw diagrams or graphs.


1.   The position, x, records how far the ball is from the origin of some coordinate system that we choose.  In this case, we will choose the origin of the coordinate system to be the first mark on the paper.  In the data table this mark is already recorded as x = 0 m and

t = 0 s.  Use a meter stick to measure the distance of the other marks from the first mark and fill in the positions for each and their corresponding times in the data table on the next page.


Q1)  How much time passed between each mark?


2.  We call the length of time between each mark the time interval Δt.  Fill in Δt for each interval.


3.   The position is the distance from each mark.  We can also, of course, measure the distance between the marks.  We call the distance between marks the displacement, Δx.  We can measure the distance between marks directly, but since we have already measured position, we can use the position data to find the displacement.


Q2)  How can you find the displacement from the position data?



Record the displacement in the data table.  Note that we have to have two positions to find a displacement so there is dash in the first space where we will leave the displacement blank.


4.   The displacement tells us how far we moved between successive marks, but we might like to know how fast we covered the distance.  Did we travel 1.0 m in a second or in a week?  The average velocity is defined as vave = Δx/Δt.  It is how much the position changes per time.  We describe it by saying the velocity is the rate at which position changes.  Find the average velocity of the ball between each mark and record it in the data table.


Q3)  You probably noticed that vave and Δx are numerically equal.  This is not true, generally, but is an artifact of how this experiment is designed.  Explain what feature of this experiment makes the two the same, and how you could change the experiment to make that coincidence go away.




Q4)  Examine your data.  Is the velocity constant for every time interval?


5.   You probably noticed that the velocity changed a little on each interval.  Factors like friction, bumps in the floor, and a slight slope to the floor will all cause the velocity to change.  We can calculate the change in velocity on each interval as Δv = vf – vi. In the data table under Δv, we skip the first two spaces.  When calculating a change, always use the final value minus the initial value.


Q5)  Examine your data.  You may have noticed that some of the changes in velocity are negative.  What does this mean about the motion?


6.   Does the velocity change slowly or rapidly?  To answer that question, we use the average acceleration.  The average acceleration is defined as aave = Δv/Δt.  It is the rate at which velocity changes.  Notice that velocity is m/s.  Acceleration will velocity per time.  It will have units of m/s/s.  Find the average acceleration of the ball between each mark and record it in the table.


Q4)  You probably noticed that aave and Δv are numerically equal.  This is not true, generally, but is an artifact of how this experiment is designed.  Explain what feature of this experiment makes the two the same, and how you could change the experiment to make that coincidence go away.



7.  Use LoggerPro v.3.1 to construct a graph of position vs. time for the motion.  Attach the graph to the report.


8.  On a sheet of white paper (the back of this handout is fine), construct a scale motion diagram for the ball’s motion.  Use a circle to locate the position of the ball at each time and use a scale of  2 cm :: 0.5 m



The following three questions are about application of the ideas in this lab and do not relate to the data.  Label each diagram with the type of motion it represents.


9.  Sketch a motion diagram showing motion at a constant velocity on the same sheet of white paper as your first motion diagram.


10.  Sketch a motion diagram showing motion with a positive acceleration on the same sheet of white paper.


11.  Sketch a motion diagram showing motion with a negative acceleration on the same sheet of white paper.


Data Table

t (s)

Δt (s)

x (m)

Δx (m)

vave (m/s)

Dv (m/s)

aave (m/s/s)


























































Answer the following in your own words.

Q6)  What is position?



Q7)  What is displacement?



Q8)  What is average velocity and how is it related to position?



Q9)  What is acceleration and how is it related to velocity?