PHY 1405 – Conceptual Physics I

Free Fall Activity


Leader: _________________________          Recorder: __________________________

Skeptic: _________________________         Encourager: ________________________



In this activity, we will apply the ideas of free fall to make a simple measurement of each student's reaction time.  The idea is that one person drops a meter stick and another catches it.  From the distance the meter stick fell, the reaction time can be estimated.


Procedure:  In the space below, in a few sentences describe a procedure for measuring the reaction time.  Be detailed about how you will conduct your procedure and what exactly you will measure.










Make a data table listing the person’s name and the distance the meter stick fell.  Leave a third blank column for the reaction time.









Data Analysis:   The only measurement you will make is the distance the stick fell.  Write down the appropriate equation from ch. 3 which will allow you to determine the reaction time from the measured distance.  In what units should the distance be measured?







Procedure:  In the space below, describe a procedure to test if each student has the same reaction time if they see the stick drop versus if they only hear that the stick has dropped.








Data Analysis:  Carry out the procedure you have just described and put your results into a data table below.










Q1)  Would you say that the members of your group typically had a faster reaction time to an aural stimulus (hearing) or a visual one?  Explain based on your results.








Q2)  How might you improve your procedure to get a more accurate result for the reaction time?