Superposition of Waves

Superposition of Two Pulses

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Animation 1 shows two square wave pulses heading towards each other.

1. Predict what the pulses will look like when they overlap on a single string.

2. Predict what the pulses will look like after they finish overlapping.

Click on Animation 1a below to check your answer.

3. Do the pulses reflect from each other or do they pass through each other?

4. Can you distinguish betwwen these two possibilities if the pulses are identical?


Animation 2 shows two square pulses heading towards each other but on opposite sides of the string.

1. Predict what the pulses will look like when they overlap on a single string.

2. Predict what the pulses will look like after they finish overlapping.

Click on Animation 2a below to check your answer.

3. Do the pulses reflect from each other or do they pass through each other? How can you tell?


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Last Updated: January 20, 2012