U.S. History 1301
Unit I Identification
Chapters 1-4

1. Beringia

2. Colombian Exchange 

3. Intellectual Amnesia 

4. European Nation States

5.Treaty of Tordesillas

6. Encomienda 

7. Mission System

8. Borderlands 

9. Protestant Reformation

10. Richard Hakluyt 

11. Joint Stock Company

12. Virginia Company

13. Jamestown

14. "Starving Time"

15. Tobacco

16. Sir Edwin Sandys

17. Headright System

18. Indentured Servitude

19. Slavery

20. Separatists

21. Predestination

22. Covenant  theology

23. Puritan Social Hierarchy

24. City on a Hill

25. John Winthrop

26. Great Migration

27. Roger Williams

28. Ann Hutchinson

29. Edmund Andros

30. William Penn

31. Lord Baltimore

32. Declension

33. Half-Way Covenant

34. Bacon's Rebellion

35. Walking Purchase

36.  Middle Ground

37. Salem Witch Trials

38. Great Awakening

39. Jonathan Edwards

40. George Whitefield

41. Itinerant Preachers

42. New Lights
43. Old Lights
44. Mercantilism
45. Navigation Acts
46. Staple Act
47. Plantation Duty
48. Virtual Representation
49. Direct Representation
50. Power of the Purse
51. French and Indian War

52. Albany Plan

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