U.S. History 1301
Unit IV Identification
Chapters 11, 14, 15, 16


1. Cotton Kingdom 

2. Toussaint L'Overture

3. Nat Turner

4. American Colonization Society

5. William Lloyd Garrison

6. Harriet Jacobs

7. Wilmot Proviso

8.. Free Soilers 

9. States Rights 

10. John Calhoun 

11. Popular Sovereignty

12. Compromise of 1850 

13. Henry Clay

14. Fugitive Slave Law

15. Kansas-Nebraska Act


17. Sectionalism

18. Ostend Manifesto

19. Southern Nationalism

20. Intersectional Institutions

21. Nativism

22. Know Nothings

23. Republican Party  

24. John Brown

25. Bleeding Kansas

26. Lecompton Constitution

27. Dred Scott v. Sanford

28. Stephen Douglas

29. Abraham Lincoln

30. Election of 1860

31. Crittenden Compromise

32. Conscription Bills

33. Emancipation Proclamation

34. Ten Percent Plan

35. Wade Davis Bill

36. Freedman’s Bureau

37. Radical Republicans

38.Congressional Reconstruction
39. Thirteenth Amendment
40. Fourteenth Amendment
41. Fifteenth Amendment
42. Andrew Johnson
43. Tenure of Office Act
44. Carpetbaggers
45. Scalawags
46. Ku Klux Klan
47. Black Codes
48. Compromise of 1877
49. New South
50. Jim Crow

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