U.S History 1301
Unit I Lecture And Textbook Objectives

1. Describe how humans first arrived in the New World. What conditions were necessary for this migration?

2. Discuss the diversity of languages, cultures, and economies of the Pre-Columbian Indians. Describe how the environment played an important role in determining each.

3. Discuss the technological, scholarly, and political developments that which enabled Europe to come into permanent contact with the New World.

4. Describe how European nation states developed and consolidated power.

5. Describe the nature of Spanish conquest. Describe how such a small force of Spaniards was able to conquer the Aztec nation.

6. Describe France’s intentions and methods of colonization.

7. Compare and contrast the political, economic, and religious developments between Spain and England in the 15th and 16th centuries. How did the different developments affect each country' pattern of colonization?

8. Identify the reasons for English colonization of Virginia and describe the problems the new colony faced.

9. Discuss the importance of tobacco and how it affected Virginia’s politics, economy, society and demography.

10. Describe the settlement of Maryland. How was it colonized? Why? Discuss the religious tensions in the colony.

11. Describe the foundation & society of Georgia

12. Describe the tenets of Penn’s Holy Experiment and discuss the founding of Pennsylvania.

13. Discuss the Barbadian Connect with the Carolinas

11. Describe the nature of English immigration to America in the 17th and 18th centuries. Who came? Why? What conditions did they face?

12. Describe the origins of slavery. How did it evolve in America?

13. Identify the reasons for English settlement in New England. Discuss the Pilgrims’ conflicts with the governments of England and the Netherlands. What did they hope to establish in America? How. Discuss the results.

14. Describe the social, economic, political, and religious characteristics of Puritan society. Why was their society set up this way?

15. Describe the major components of Puritan thought, particularly their need for a stable social order. How did these ideas evolve? What were the results?

16. Assess the impact of the Glorious Revolution on the different colonies.

17. Why was Salem was such a likely venue for the witchcraft hysteria. Discuss the nature of the trials and the evidence used to convict witches.

18. Describe why the Middle colonies developed such ethnic diversity.

19. Describe the factors that precipitated the Great Awakening. Explain its impact on American society, politics, and religion.

20. Describe England's efforts to bring the colonies in line with mercantilism.

21. Compare and contrast English and colonial systems of representation and the evolution of the colonial assembly. Describe the English Constitution.

22. Evaluate the beginnings & results of the Seven Year's War for Britain & the colonies. Describe the legacy of the Seven Year's War

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