History 1302 (PCM)
Sample Questions

The following are sample test questions you might expect to encounter on the exams covering the textbook material. They fall into three categories: 1) the "Except" type question, 2) the "All of the above are correct" variety which may also ask you to select "A and B" or "B and C," and 3) the one-concept answer type question.

The "Except" question is used when there is more than one factor or cause that precipitated the event mentioned in the Learning Objective and it is important that you recognize all of these factors. For example, Chapter 17 Learning Objective 1 asks you to identify the physical features that impeded settlement on the Great Plains. If you turn to America: Past and Present, pages 490-491, you will see a number of factors listed: treeless and flat terrain, the lack of good rivers, little rainfall, little timber, tough soil, and intemperate weather. Therefore the question reads:

1. All of the following physical features influenced westem settlement EXCEPT: A. few rivers B. abundant precipitation C. a lack of lumber D. intemperate climate E. tough and inhospitable soil In this case the correct answer is choice "B" which is the exception. If you know the various factors listed in the textbook, then picking this answer is simple.

The second type of question, the "All of the above are correct" question, is used when there are 4 or 5 important factors and you need to know them. For instance, Chapter 18 Learning Objective 6 asks you to explain how the first Pacific Railroad was constructed and financed. Turning to the text, page 525, you discover this railroad was built by the Union Pacific and Central Pacific, partially financed by the US government, actually constructed in large part by Irish and Chinese immigrants, and hampered by Indian attacks. Therefore the test question might read:

6. The first transcontinental railroad A. was built by the Union Pacific and Central Pacific companies B. was financed partially by US government loans and grants C. was physically built by ex-soldiers and Irish and Chinese immigrants D. met resistance from Indians E. All of the above are correct. In this case the correct answer is choice "E" since all of the first four choices are correct parts of the total answer. If you just select "A", "B", "C", or "D" it will be counted as incorrect since it is only part of the correct answer.

The third type of question is the one concept answer type of question. An example of this is Chapter 17 Learning Objective 6 requiring you to identify the largest landowning group in the west. Turning to the textbook on page 503 in the second column you read "...the railroad companies were the West's largest landowners.~ The corresponding question might be:

6. The largest landowners in the west were the A railroads B. mining companies C. cattlemen D. farmers E. None of these is correct. The correct answer is obvious choice "A".

Most of the Learning Objectives have several several important factors, influences, steps, results or developments (whichever the Learning Objective requires) and therefore as you review the text to find the answers, you ought to find three or four factors, etc. for each Learning Objective. Relatively few of the Learning Objectives can be answered with one word answers such as found in the third type of question. As you find the three or four pertinent factors, etc. for each Learning Objective, WRITE OUT your answer, and then study your notes; you ought to do well on the exams. If you simply skim the text looking for one word answers to the Learning Objectives, you WILL have difficulty with the exams. Put the time into studying and you should be pleased with your test results.