US History 1302
Unit I Identification
Chapter 16-20

1. Black Codes
2. Redeemers
3. Booker T. Washington
4. Grandfather Clause
5. Jim Crow Laws
6. Plessy v. Ferguson
7. Sand Creek Massacre
8. Grant Peace Policy
9. Dawes Severalty Act
10. Ghost Dance
11. Wovoka
12. Wounded Knee Massacre
12. Buffalo Soldiers
13. Deflation
14. Hard Money
15. Soft Money
16. Sharecroppers
17. Crop-lien System
18. Farmers Alliance
19. Grangers
20. Populist Party
21. Silver
22. William Jennings Bryan
23. Election of 1896
24. Sub-treasury System
25. Robber Barons
26. Pools
27. Trusts
28. Holding Companies
29. Vertical Integration
30. Horizontal Integration
31. Standard Oil
32. Sherman Antitrust Act 1890
33. Knights of Labor
34. American Federation of Labor
35. Pullman Strike
36. Haymarket Riot
37. Homestead Strike
38. Great Railroad Strike
39. Social Darwinism
40. Spoilsmen
41. Mugwumps
42. Patronage System
43. Tariff
44. Social Darwinism
45. Political Machines
46. Tammany Hall
47. Dumbell Tenements
48. Sweatshop System
49. Jane Addams

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