US History 1302
Unit II Identification
Chapters 21-24

1. Manifest Destiny
2. Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan
3. Josiah Strong
4. 1890 Census
5. Jingoism
6. Reconcentration
7. Yellow Journalism
8. DeLome Letter
9. USS Maine
10. Teller Amendment
11. Emilio Aguinaldo
12. Open Door Policy
13. Platt Amendment
14. Panama Canal
15. Roosevelt Corollary
16. Anti-Imperialist League
17. Dollar Diplomacy
18. Moral Diplomacy
19. Mexican Revolution
20. Progressivism
21. Square Deal
22. Henry Ford
23. 16th amendment
24. 17th amendment
25. 18th amnedment
26. 19th amendment
27. Muckrakers
28. Margaret Sanger
29. W.E.B. DuBois
30. Industrial Workers of the World
31. Eugene Debs
32. Hepburn Act
33. Underwood-Simmons Tariff
34. Clayton Antitrust Act
35. Federal Reserve Act
36. Progressive Party
37. New Nationalism
38. New Freedom
39. Muller v. Oregon
40. Neutrality
41. U-Boats
42. Lusitania
43. Strict Accountability
44. Sussex Pledge
45. Zimmerman Telegram
46. Committee on Public Information
47. War Industries Board
48. 14 Points
49. League of Nations
50. Treaty of Versailles
51. Article 231
52. Article X
53. Self Determination
54. Reservationists

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