US History 1302
Unit III Identification
Chapters 25-28

1. Ruralist Americans
2. Red Scare
3. A Mitchell Palmer
4. Sacco and Vanzetti
5. Volstead Act
6. Prohibition
7. Scopes Trial
8. Ku Klux Klan
9. National Origins Act
10. Stock Market Crash
11. Margin Buying
12. Hundred Days
13. First New Deal
14. Second New Deal
15. Tennessee Valley Authority
16. Public Works Administration
17. National Recovery Administration
18. Agricultural Adjustment Act
19. Works Progress Administration
20. Wagner Act
21. Social Security Act
22. Court Packing
23. Isolationism
24. Kellogg-Briand Treaty
25. Nye Committee
26. Good Neighbor Policy
27. Neutrality Act
28. Munich
29. Destroyers for Bases
30. Lend Lease
31. Cash and Carry
32. Pearl Harbor
33. Japanese Internment
34. Yalta
35. Hiroshima
36. Cold War
37. Containment
38. Truman Doctrine
39. Marshall Plan
40. NATO
41. National Security Act
42. NSC-68
43. United Nations
44. Baruch Plan
45. Korean War
46. Gen. Douglas MacArthur
47. Sputnik
48. U-2 Incident
49. Marcus Garvey
50. Domino Theory
51. Sen. Joe McCarthy
52. Second Red Scare

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