US History 1301 (Honors)
Unit III Identification

1.) Travois
2.) Wintercounts
3.) Vision Quests
4.) Horse Culture
5.) Buffalo
6.) Counting Coup
7.) Heyokas
8.) Berdaches
9.) Sun Dance
10.) Reservation Policy
11.) 1862 Sioux Uprising
12.) Sand Creek Massacre
13.) Black Kettle
14.) Battle of Adobe Walls
15.) Quanah Parker
16.) Long Walk of the Navajo
17.) Ft. Laramie Treaty 1868
18.) Battle of Little Big Horn
19.) Black Hills
20.) Cheyenne Autumn
21.) Chief Joseph
22.) Smohalla
23.) Great Sioux War 1877
24.) Wovoka
25.) Sitting Bull
26.) Ghost Dance
27.) Wounded Knee Massacre
28.) Bureau of Indian Affairs
20.) Doolittle Committee
30.) Indian Rights Association
31.) Board of Indian Commissioners
32.) Grant Peace Policy
33.) Code of Religious Offenses
34.) Richard Henry Pratt
35.) Carlisle Indian Industrial School
36.) National Indian Defense Association
37.) Indian Rights Association
38.) Dawes Severalty Act
39.) Contract Schools
40.) Indian Police Service
41.) Code of Religious Offenses
42.) Court of Indian Offenses
43.) Ex Parte Crow Dog
44.) Major Crimes Act
45.) Elk v. Wilkins
46.) Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock
47.) Burke Act
48.) Ohiyesa (Charles Eastman)
49.) Ishi
50.) Native American Church
51.) Oregon v. Smith
52.) Indian Religious Freedom Act
53.) Religious Freedom Restoration Act
54.) Free Exercise of Religion Act

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