Additional Instructions for the Composition II C Test


     Write your C test just as you wrote Paper 4. You need an introductory paragraph ending in a thesis statement. You need to use the terms we have been working with in class, and you need detailed support from the source that you are working with. You need to use parenthetical documentation within your paper as you have been doing in class, but you will not have the information you need to create a work cited entry.

    Give careful attention to the central idea and relate the other elements and supporting examples carefully to it. As with Paper 4, name and support the type of conflict. Name and support the type of point of view. Use diction for the tone section and any other language aspect for the language paragraph. For character, focus on one important characteristic of the protagonist. Relate time and place to the central idea for setting. I do not care what order you use in discussing the fiction elements as long as you begin with central idea and begin by supporting your interpretation of central idea.

   Remember that regardless of the kind of essay you are given for the C test, you are writing an interpretive aim-analytical mode paper which needs to be objectively written.

When I send you your permit, be sure that the testing center notes to send the test to the Pinnacle. If you need a current ACC id, check with the admissions office at any campus. Take the permit, the ACC id, and a photo id with you to the testing center. The test is administered by the department so you will not have science fiction or mystery stories to read. Review your format so that it is correct. I will contact you when I receive your C test. There will be no extentions of the deadline.