Paper Four-All Elements Related to Central Idea


Write at least a nine paragraph paper, devoting at least one paragraph in each of the body paragraphs to the seven fiction elements. (You must have a central idea paragraph.)


In the introductory paragraph, after the introductory sentences, introduce the central idea and establish a relationship between the central idea and the other elements in the thesis statement.


Write a short concluding paragraph to follow the body paragraphs.


Be sure to use a topic sentence to open each paragraph and use transitional sentences as needed.


In the body paragraphs, focus on the material that will best support the central idea. For example, there are many language elements. Choose to write about the elements for which relationships with the central idea can be established most easily.


Sample thesis: In “Roselily” by Alice Walker, the central idea that desperation can lead to the compromise of values is supported by the fiction elements: specifically, setting, conflict, character, point of view, tone, and language.


Review central idea.


You must have your thesis approved before you write your paper.


Be sure that the individual examples (and there should be many) within your paper are each related to the central idea. For example, if you are writing about the repetition of the words change and disturbed, then you must explain what change has to do with the central idea and what disturbed has to do with the central idea. If the story is set in New York city, then what does the city have to do with the central idea? What does the fact that it is the first day of summer have to do with the central idea?