Spring-Due Dates. You must meet your deadlines. If you read ahead, be sure to review. Read all of the introductory material in your text, whether about the periods or the authors and their works.

February 26 Final day to take The Ancient World test (Intro through Sappho: see below)

March 24 Final day to submit Assignment 1: Reading Response

April 14 Final day to submit Assignment 2: Don Quixote

May 7 Final day to take Middle Ages and Renaissance test


Weeks 1-3
Read Introduction to the Ancient World and The Odyssey.

Weeks 4-6
Read Oedipus, The Aeneid selections: Books I, II, and IV, The Metamorphosis selections up to, (not including), "Jove's Intervention," and Sappho's poems numbered 34, 38, 39, 41.

Weeks 7-9
Read Introduction to The Middle Ages, the Marie de France selections: "Bisclavret" and "Yonec;" from The 1001 Nights, and from The Book of the City of the Ladies.

Weeks 10-12
Read the Introduction to The Renaissance, the poems of Petrarch listed in Class Notes, the selections from The Decameron: "The First Day" and "Fifth Day, Tenth Tale," and the selection from Don Quixote.

Weeks 13-15
Read Intro, Carpe diem poems:"While There...", 2209; "To Cassandre,""To Helene," 2212-13; "To the Virgins," 2260; "Verses Against," 2263-4 "Regrets," 2211; "One Dismal Night," 2218; "I Know Full Well," 2222; "A "Rose," 2234; "Life's Greatest Misery,"2236; "Ice and Fires,"2242; "On Her Portrait," 2262; "This Evening When,"2263