Minutes of Physical Sciences Department

April 2, 2004


Meeting Place:           RGC 326

Meeting Time:            1:30pm

Participants:               Ron Johns, Lala Guerra, Sal Valastro, George Staff, Bob Blodgett,      

Maurine Poe, Jan Smith, Chris Cavalli, James Heath, Dean Becker, Saad Eways, Laura Tacheny, Dale Biggs, Mostafa Pirnia, John Cise, John Underwood


1.) Approval of Agenda

2.) Approval of Minutes from March 5, 2004

3.) Information items presented:

a.)    Evaluations - The evaluations are still being processed by both committees.  Student’s evaluations are due April 9, 2004.                          

b.)     Safety Videos – James Heath would like to shoot the safety videos at all four Physics labs.  The safety videos would consist of a brief overview of safety procedures and each campus would have a different introduction.  The media department offered to do the filming free but we would have to come up with the with the script and actors.

c.)    NASA– Ron Johns, George Staff and Laura Tacheny will be in NASA on April 5th and 6th.

4.) Items presented for discussion

a.)    Lab Safety Review Committee– A Lab Safety Review Committee was formed.  Jan Smith and Bob Blodgett volunteered to go over geology and oceanography lab exercises and Saad Eways volunteered for to review physics lab exercises.

b.)    Summer Professional Development Day – The April Development Day is cancelled.  There will be a couple of Professional Development Days in summer.  James Heath will let everyone know what the dates are as soon as he gets the information.

5.)  Action Items

a.)      Department Chair Election – Ron Johns was re-elected Department Chair.

6.)  New Business

a.) SACS and Faculty Teaching Credentials – Ron Johns covered some of the “highlights” of the department chairs’ meeting with the SACS consultant, Margaret Sullivan.  After the discussion, the meeting adjourned in despair.


Minutes of PHYS/AST/ENG Subcommittee

March 5, 2004


Participants-                 Lala Guerra, James Heath, Dean Becker, Saad Eways, Dale Biggs, Mostafa Pirnia, John Underwood


                                    James Heath gave a pre-assessment and a post-assessment to his students in his two General Physics I classes.  He showed everyone the improvements and everyone agreed that they needed to come up with a small Physics assessment.


Everyone agreed to have the prerequisite changed for PHYS 1311 and PHYS 1312 from Elementary Algebra to Intermediate Algebra.