9) ACC Administrative Policies - Intellectual Properties


A. Staff name:__________________________ Title______________________________

B. Office_____________________________________Campus_____________________

C. Project time frame for product development: Begin___________End______________

D. Product name or title____________________________________________________

E. Product format(s) _ print, _ video program, __computer software, _CD-ROM, __other

Attach a description of the product(s) and role of ACC and author(s).

F. Does this product relate to an ACC course. If yes, the course_____________________

G. Type of Ownership:

__ 1. Individually Supported

__ 2. College Supported Type I

__ 3. College Supported Type II

__ 4. College Commissioned

H. Distribution of income:

Protection and Infringement Shelter:


Then: To Individual


To College


An explanation must be attached if these percentages are different from those listed in the administrative rule.

I. Explain on attached pages the origins of the resources used by the individual in the production of the property. List by major categories, state the monetary value of the resource and indicate the ACC office providing the support. To determine the value of the ACC resources use actual values or, if not available, then use generally accepted commercial rates


Staff requesting protection:____________________________________________

___Yes ___ No



___Yes ___ No

Budget Authority for
office providing support______________________________________________

___Yes ___ No

Dean for faculty, ____________________________________________________

___Yes ___ No

AVP or Provost for staff

Executive Vice President______________________________________________

___Yes ___ No

Those individuals not recommending approval should attach a statement explaining their reasons.
The completed form and attachments are filed with the Executive Vice President.
