Beginning IV Therapy and Flow Rate/ Learn
Elizabeth Bodman, Austin Community College

Types of IV Bags

IV solutions are usually available in a tough, flexible, plastic bag. The bag will be of the size needed for the purpose of the IV therapy. For example, larger bags will be used for continuous hydration and smaller bags may be used for intermittent medication administration. The larger continuous IV bags are often called the main IV or primary IV. These large bags often contain 1000 milliliters or 1 liter of fluid. The intermittent IVs used to deliver medications several times a day are usually much smaller bags. These small bags may contain 50, 75 or 100 milliliters, for example.

Main IV Bag IV Piggy Back Bags
Main IV Bag IV Piggy Back Bags
Main IV with IVPB

When used for intermittent treatments, the smaller bags are often called IV piggy backs or IVPBs. The term "piggyback" is used because the smaller bag is plugged into, or "takes a piggyback ride" on, the established main IV line. The smaller bag is removed once the medication has been infused; the main IV remains unchanged. This "piggyback" technique means the patient does not require multiple IV sites.

Main IV with IVPB  


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