Macro Learning Objectives for questions over Exam 1 Form A




Chapter 15

Below you will find the learning objective, concept, idea, term, or theory that each question on the exam will cover. The numbers in the list refer to the question number on Exam 4 that will test your knowledge of that specific learning objective. Each of these topics/learning objectives is discussed in the textbook in the order that they are listed below.  A much better understanding can often be attained by working through the "active graphs" and "smart graphs" connected to many of these objectives in the online material.

    After reading Chapter 15, you should be able to:
  1. Identify the balance of payments accounts and the balance of trade.
  2. Identify the capital account.
  3. Discuss the balance of payments.
  4. Analyze how international trade costs jobs in some industries and creates jobs in others.
  5. Analyze how international trade alters capital flows and immigration.
  6. Interpret exchange rates.
  7. Explain how forces of supply and demand determine exchange rates.
  8. Describe why a strong dollar helps U.S. consumers, but hurts U.S. producers.
  9. Discuss the causes of currency appreciation and depreciation, and how government can influence them.
  10. Explain comparative advantage and how it influences trade patterns.