U.S. Expansionism

•      1870 - 1900

•      hegemony (hegemonic)


•      minor international events (Mexico-French)


•      Sect. State Wm. H. Seward buys Alaska in '67 from Russia for $7.2 mil.

•      Midway Islands discovered & claimed

Export trade grew

•      with agriculture and mfg. seeking new mkts.

Manifest Destiny

•      racist, religious justification

•      Josiah Strong Anglo Saxon, institutions, imperialism

•      overseas enterprise in Africa, L. America

Naval and military strategic power

•      Capt. Alfred Thayer Mahan, Influence of Sea Power on History ('90)

•      powerful navy

•      overseas bases

•      canal

•      fleet

•      islands

•      Henry Cabot Lodge, Albert Beveridge build Navy ships by 1883

Hawaii Annexation (1898)

•      by joint resolution

•      Reciprocity Treaty of 1875 - with Hawaii monarchy, Queen Liliuokalani

•      duty free sugar for U.S. use of Pearl Harbor

Coup d'etat (1893)

•      by Americans vs Queen Liliuokalani

•      after hesitating, McKinley recognized them

Pan American Conference (1889)

•      by Sect St. James G. Blaine

•      trying to establish U.S. leadership in L. Amer.

•      failed to obtain reciprocity trade agreement

•      got only cultural exchange and distrust

Venezuelan Boundary Dispute (1895)

•      with Great Britain

•      Sect. State Richard Olney assumed role of "arbitrator"

•      "Its fiat is law" upon L. American "subjects"

•      appointed Boundary Commission and led peaceful resolution

Spanish American War

•      Gen. "Butcher" Valeriano Weyler concentration camps vs rebels

•      Jose Marti Cuban rebels

•      U.S. press (yellow journalism) pro-rebel and vs Spanish atrocities

The Dupuy De Lome Letter (1898)

•      Span. Min. to D.C.

•      criticized McKinley as "bidder for admiration of the crowd"

•      Americans outraged despite DeLome's resignation

The Maine explosion (Feb. 15, 1898)

•      in Havana harbor

•      260 KIA, press demands war vs Spain

•      Cubans demand full independence

•      Joint Resolution:  Recognize Cuba indep. & use force vs Spain

BUT:  Teller Amendment

•      to disclaim intent to acquire Cuba

•      Spain declares war on U.S.

Asst. Sect. of Navy Theodore Roosevelt prepared Cmdore Geo. Dewey

•      drill gun crews in Hong Kong, paint battle gray, ammunition

•      establish liaison with Filipino rebel Emilio Aguinaldo

Dewey took Manila Bay

•      with 11,000 U.S. troops

•      Ge. Wm. Shafter & U.S. Navy take Cuba & Puerto Rico

•      disorganized, winter uniforms; "Rough Riders" no horses

•      5,000 KIA (360 to combat)

Anti-Imperialists oppose U.S. Constitution in annexation

•      Andrew Carnegie (racism), Samuel Gompers (immigration)

•      Mark Twain, Jane Addams

Treaty of Paris of 1899

•      Spain under duress

•      U.S. pays $20 million & annexes Cuba, P.R., Guam

•      Philippines annexed and insurrection; guerrila war

•      U.S. troops rape, arson, murder

•      finally stabilized under Gen. Wm. H. Taft by 1901

Insular Cases i.e. Foraker Act (1900)

•      established civil government for P.R. and islands

•      BUT:  not U.S. citizenship or local self-govt.

•      tariff over P.R. as a U.S. property

•      Supreme Court says Constitution does not follow the flag

Platt Amendment (1900)

•      to legislation on Cuba

•      U.s. mil. govt. condescended on Cuban poverty, race, colonial govt.

•      insulted Cuban rebel cmdr. Gen. Calixto Garcia

U.S. Improvements

•      modernized Cuban sugar industry, sanitation, schools

•      Established Cuban public admin. and constitutional convention

Platt Amend. Provisions

•      prior to U.S. withdrawal in 1902

•      U.S. may intervene in Cuba to preserve its independence

•      NO treaty with foreign powers

•      grants U.S. naval bases e.g. Guantanamo

Results of War

•      Cuban and Latino resentment

•      U.S. capitalists in control

•      Cuban peasants left in system of peonage under Span. families

Roosevelt Corollary

•      to Monroe Doctrine

•      Originated in boundary disputes between Europe and L. Amer.

•      Theo. Roosevelt (Pres., 1900)

3.  Dom. Republic (1903) defaulted on debts

•      T. R. sent in U.S. Navy & Marines - outside intervention

•      took over customs service 50% revenue to repay debt

•      no other nation can colonize L.Amer;

•      SIGN:  U.S. assumes role of international police power

•      bred L. American resentment, and fear

Panama Canal

•      Philippe Bunau-Varilla, Fr. Engineer

•      French construction falters

Clayton-Bulwer Treaty

•      abrogated in 1901 by Sect. St. John Hay

•      U.S. right to build canal alone

•      canal open to other nations ships

Columbia Rejects U.S. Offer

•      $10 mil for 99-yr. lease

•      T.R. “welcomes” Panama revolt

Bunau-Varilla revolt (1903)

•      T.R. recognizes independence

•      U.S.S. Nashville threatens Colombia

•      U.S. pays $10 mil. to Panama

•      $40 mil. to Philippe Bunau-Varilla

•      Bunau-Varilla returns to France

Canal Zone: 

•      10 mi. wide,

•      in perpetuity

•      U.S. sovreignty,

•      $40 mil.

SIGN:  Panama Canal

•      U.S. gets strategic canal

•      per Mahan

•      resentment and fear of U.S

•      racism i.e. T.R. called them "dagoes"

T.R. speech

•      "You were accused of seduction and you have conclusively proved that you were guilty of rape."  Sect. of War Elihu Root