HIST 1301 PCM (also HIST 1301 ONL)

Dr. T. Thomas

Austin Community College

Exam questions will be taken from these study questions. For each exam, there are Unit Study Questions, beginning with Unit 1 below.

Suggestions for using this guide successfully:


History is not about “memorizing” data, facts, names, and dates.  History is about knowing and understanding the past and its impact on the present:  what happened, when and where, who was involved, what motivated the participants, why events happened, and the consequences of these events/actions.  So in order to be successful in this course, you must know the “who, what, when, where and why” but also the “connections” between people and events, the “motivations”, and the “consequences (short-term and long-term)” of the events of the past.

Memorizing can be helpful, but it will not give you a complete understanding of history.

The questions in this Study Guide are designed to help you achieve a greater understanding of the past.  Some of the questions are easy to answer; some require you to analyze what you have read and arrive at the best answer.  Some answers are short; some are long.


The study questions in this guide are provided to help you achieve success on the exams and in this course and are not to be turned in to Dr. Thomas.

With this in mind, here are some other suggestions for achieving success in this course:

v     Read the chapter first, to get a good overview of what the chapter is about. Pay attention to the chapter subheadings (subtitles).  They are often clues to the important themes of a chapter.  Similarly, pay attention to the opening paragraph of each section - here you will usually find the thesis, or "main point" of a section.

v     Then read the chapter again, answering the study questions.

v     Write short answers to each of these study questions. Some students use index cards, writing one question/answer on each card. Don't just highlight the answers in your textbook - write them.

v     Read with a dictionary.  Look up any word whose meaning you do not know.

v     Approach this course as you would a job. Set aside a specific time each day - or every other day - to work on reading and study questions.  This is your work schedule; honor it as you would your job schedule.

v     Work on the reading and study questions gradually, completing small amounts of work each day (or every other day).  Research shows that people retain information better if they work for no more than 2 hours at one task.  For example, on Mondays from 2-4 pm, read half the chapter.  On Tuesday, read the other half.  On Wednesday, write out the first 20 study questions; on Thursday, the next 20, and so on. Don't try to do all the reading and the study questions the night before the exam.  "Cramming" is not an effective, nor is it a successful study method.

v     If possible, form a study group with 2 or 3 other students.  Work together to find answers, quiz each other, and offer general support.  Study groups are a proven, effective means of studying.

v     If you have any trouble finding answers, or if you are unsure of your answers, contact Dr. Thomas for clarification.

Exam Strategy Suggestion:

The first exam (Map Test) is pretty easy - so don't spend more than a couple of hours studying for it. However, the other four exams are much harder. Take the Map Test within the first few days of the semester then spend most of your time on the other four exams!




Because the history of the United States was shaped and influenced to a large degree by the geography of the continent, it is important for you to know some basic North American geography. 


Your first exam will be a “Map” test – 30 questions, multiple choice.

When you take your exam, you will be given a map of the U.S. and will be asked to identify 30 of the items listed below.  A passing grade (70%) is 21 correct out of 30.

You should be able to locate all of these on a map:

All 50 states by name                

Missouri River

Chicago, IL


All 5 Great Lakes by name

Richmond, VA


Red River

Charleston, SC

Atlantic Ocean                      

Columbia River

Boston, MA

Pacific Ocean                        

Chesapeake Bay

San Francisco, CA

Gulf of Mexico                      

Great Plains

Austin, TX

Hudson River              

Appalachian Mountains

Washington, D.C.

Ohio River                  

Rocky Mountains

New York City

Mississippi River        


Philadelphia, PA


There is a Map Test Quiz on my website homepage ( that can test ONLY your knowledge of the 50 states of the United States. It does not test you on the other geographic features listed above. So, in addition to the states, make sure you also know the rivers, lakes, oceans and cities listed above.



UNIT 2 - CHAPTERS 1 through 5


Chapter 1 – Ancient America: Before 1492


1.          Locate the origin of the Paleo-Indians, the first “Americans”.


2.         Explain how environmental change and the extinction of large game (i.e., mammoths) contributed to the development of greater diversity among Native American cultures.


3.         Describe how Native American cultures differed from European cultures in the late 15th century.


4.         Identify and locate the most powerful Native American culture in the New World and describe how they rose to power.


5.         Analyze the role of “tribute” in the advances made by the Mexica society.


6.         Identify the major weakness of Mexican society that the Spanish conquerors eventually discovered.


Chapter 2 – Europeans Encounter the New World, 1492-1600


7.         Discuss the demographic conditions and technological developments in Europe in the 14th and 15th centuries that encouraged European voyages of exploration.


8.         Explain why the Portuguese devoted more energy and resources to exploration in the early 15th century than any other European country.


9.         Define “caravel” and discuss its importance in Portuguese exploration.


10.        Name the first Europeans to trade on the West African coast and the objects of their journeys.


11.        Name the countries of the “East Indies”.


12.        List the accomplishments of the Portuguese during the 15th century.


13.        Explain how the competing Spanish and Portuguese claims to the New World were settled.


14.        Explain how “America” got its name.


15.        Discuss the significance of Magellan’s voyage of 1519.


16.        Define and give examples of the “Columbian exchange”.


17.        Analyze how Hernán Cortés and his small army were able to successfully conquer the vast and powerful Mexica empire.


18.        Locate the two geographic regions of greatest wealth in Spanish America.


19.        Name the great Portuguese colony in the New World.


20.       Define “royal fifth”.


21.        Define “encomienda”, identify the goal of encomienda, and explain how it worked.


22.       Explain how the Requerimiento justified Spanish subjugation of Indians.


23.       Identify the single most important economic activity in Spanish America after 1540.


24.       Explain the importance to historians of the “Florentine Codex”, written by Bernardino de Sahagún.


25.       Explain why Martin Luther’s ideas concerning religion were considered “dangerous” by church officials and other defenders of the Catholic Church.


Chapter 3 – The Southern Colonies in the 17th Century, 1601-1700


26.       Discuss the significance of the defeat of the Spanish Armada for English colonization of North America.


27.       Describe the benefits that the Virginia Company and its supporters hoped to derive from its colony in North America.


28.       Explain how English settlers were able to survive their first year at Jamestown.


29.       Discuss the circumstances that resulted in Jamestown becoming a royal colony in 1624.


30.       Identify the main source of wealth of the Virginia colony in the 17th century.


31.        Locate the geographic areas known as the “Chesapeake region”.


32.       Describe the predominant labor system used in the Chesapeake colonies in the 17th century.


33.       Summarize the laws concerning slavery in 17th century Virginia colony.


34.       Name the colony founded in 1634 as a refuge for Catholics, who had suffered discrimination in England.


35.       Identify the two main social classes in Chesapeake society by 1670 and the relationship between the two.


36.       Discuss the King’s response to Bacon’s Rebellion and how this impacted the different social classes of the Chesapeake region.


37.       Explain how Carolina was a “frontier outpost” of the British West Indies in the 17th century.


38.       Compare how planters viewed the advantages of slaves over free laborers in the 17th century Chesapeake.


39.       Discuss how slavery contributed to reducing class tensions between rich white plantation owners and poor white farmers.


40.       Describe the differences between Spanish America and English America.



Chapter 4 – The Northern Colonies in the 17th Century, 1601-1700


41.        Define 16th century “Puritanism” and its beliefs.


42.       Explain the Puritans’ vision of a “city on a hill” and how this influenced their everyday lives.


43.       Compare the demographic characteristics (race, class, gender, occupation, age, etc.) of Massachusetts settlers with those of Chesapeake settlers.


44.       Explain the social, economic, and political ways in which Puritans were able to enforce a remarkable degree of conformity in their communities.


45.       Name the most prominent “dissenters” in Puritan New England and describe what happened to them.


46.       Locate the “middle colonies” founded in the late 17th century.


47.       Describe the Quakers’ attitudes toward gender, ethnic, and religious diversity.


48.       List the goals of English economic policies towards the colonies in the mid-17th century, and how the Navigation Acts supported those goals.


49.       Identify the person called “King Philip” by the New England colonists and explain the consequences of King Philip’s War.


50.       Discuss how the Glorious Revolution affected the Massachusetts colony.


51.        Identify the most important economic activities of the English colonies at the end of the 17th century.



Chapter 5 – Colonial America in the 18th Century, 1701-1770


52.       Enumerate the population growth of the colonies in the 18th century and discuss its significance.


53.       Explain the significance of increased immigration to the colonies in the 18th century.


54.       Locate the geographic origins of the immigrants known as “Pennsylvania-Dutch” and “Scots-Irish” and explain why they often felt compelled to leave their homelands.


55.       Identify the demographic and economic differences between the “upper South” and the “Lower South” in the 18th century.


56.       Define and describe the “Middle Passage”.


57.       Identify colonial America’s only slave rebellion and evaluate its consequences.


58.       Discuss the ideas of the Enlightenment and how they were fostered in the colonies.


59.       Define the “Great Awakening” and what its leaders sought to achieve.


60.       Describe the relationship between colonial governors and colonial assemblies and how this shaped colonists’ expectations concerning power.



UNIT 3 - CHAPTERS 6 through 9



Chapter 6 – The British Empire and the Colonial Crisis, 1754-1775


1.          Identify the participants, and discuss the issues that brought conflict to the Ohio Country beginning in the 1740s.


2.         Analyze the role of William Pitt in the French & Indian War.


3.         List the British policies after the French & Indian War that aroused opposition in the colonies.


4.         Name the act of Parliament that triggered widespread, open colonial resistance in 1765.


5.         Explain what colonists meant when they distinguished between Parliament’s authority to levy “internal” and “external” taxes.


6.         Describe the part played by the Sons of Liberty during the Stamp Act crisis.


7.         Define the colonists’ concepts of “liberty” and “slavery”.


8.         Name the political principle upheld by the Declaratory Act.


9.         Define “nonconsumption agreements” and their goal.


10.        Show how the “Daughters of Liberty” supported protests against British policies.


11.        Define “committee of correspondence” and explain the significance of these committees.


12.        Describe Boston colonists’ reaction to the Tea Act and Britain’s response.


13.        Identify the goals and outcomes of the First Continental Congress of 1774.


14.        Show where the first shots of the American Revolutionary War were fired.


15.        Name the young domestic slave from Boston who wrote so eloquently of the hypocrisy of Africans enslaved in a liberty-loving America.



Chapter 7 – The War for America, 1775-1783



16.        Identify the objectives of the Second Continental Congress.


17.        Name the delegate to the Second Continental Congress who was feared to be a British spy.


18.        List the arguments against independence that were used early in the Second Continental Congress.


19.        Explain why George Washington was chosen to command the Continental Army.


20.       Show what the Second Continental Congress achieved in a two-month period in May and June of 1775.


21.        Describe the obstacles faced by George Washington as he took charge of the Continental Army.


22.       Analyze Thomas Paine’s role in America’s declaration of independence.


23.       Explain why printed & distributed copies of the Declaration of Independence did not include the signers’ names.


24.       Define “militia” and discuss the traditional roles played by militias in the colonies.


25.       Analyze the obstacles faced by the British as they developed a strategy to win the war.


26.       Discuss why the British set a priority on capturing New York colony.


27.       Define “loyalists”.


28.       Explain what some loyalists meant when they feared the “democratic tyranny” of an American victory.


29.       Summarize the financial instabilities experienced by the colonies during the war years.


30.       Explain the significance of the battle at Saratoga in 1777 as a turning point in the Revolutionary War.


31.        Name the American traitor whose actions contributed to limited success for the British in the south.


32.       Discuss the impact on Native Americans of the Treaty of Paris.



Chapter 8 – Building a Republic, 1775-1789


33.       Explain how the Articles of Confederation provided for a “decentralized” government whereby power resided mostly with the states.


34.       Discuss what early Americans meant by “republicanism” as they wrote new state constitutions.


35.       Define “bill of rights” and identify some of the specific rights guaranteed in the state constitutions.


36.       Define “suffrage,” and “disfranchise”.


37.       Compare the actions taken towards slavery in the north and in the south during the 1770s and 1780s.


38.       Discuss the impact of the Northwest Ordinance on Native Americans.


39.       Explain how the “national domain” would contribute to easing financial chaos in the new republic.


40.       Discuss the differences between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan.


41.        Explain how the U.S. Constitution addressed slavery.


42.       Name the person who could be described as the “father” of the U.S. Constitution.


43.       Name the groups who supported and those who opposed ratification of the Constitution.


44.       Identify the most widespread objection to the Constitution of those who opposed its ratification.


45.       Explain how New Yorkers were urged to ratify the U.S. Constitution.



Chapter 9 – The New Nation Takes Form, 1789-1800


46.       List the most significant issues and ideologies that prompted intense disagreements among political leaders of the 1790s.


47.       Name the first departments of government created by Congress, and the men appointed to lead them.


48.       Explain why formal education for women became a priority in the new republic.


49.       List the areas in which the U.S.experienced significant growth in the 1790s.


50.       Analyze the dramatic increase in cotton production in the U.S. beginning in the 1790s.


51.        Identify the topics of the three major reports Hamilton presented to Congress.


52.       Explain how Hamilton’s plan for debt “assumption” increased the power of the federal government over the states.


53.       Discuss the compromise between Hamilton and Madison that resolved conflict over the assumption plan.


54.       Discuss the opposition to a national bank, as offered by Madison and Jefferson.


55.       Define “tariff” and explain why Hamilton favored tariffs.


56.       Show how the Whiskey Rebellion tested the federal government’s power to maintain civil order.


57.       Identify the major problems facing the U.S. during Washington’s second term in office.


58.       Show how the U.S. resolved problems with England in the 1790s.


59.       Name the political parties that developed in response to economic and foreign policy debates in the 1790s.


60.       Analyze the purposes (stated and intentional) of the Alien and Sedition Acts.


UNIT 4 -  CHAPTERS 10 through 13                    


Chapter 10 – Republicans in Power, 1800-1824


1.          Discuss Jefferson’s interpretation of “Republican simplicity”.


2.         Describe how Jefferson limited the size and power of the federal government.


3.         Discuss the historical significance of the Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison.


4.         Discuss Jefferson’s urgency in acquiring the Louisiana Territory.


5.         Name the explorers who led the “secret” scientific and military expedition into the Louisiana Territory.


6.         Locate the geographic area in which the Barbary Wars were fought.


7.         Discuss the goals and the consequences of the Embargo Act of 1807.


8.         Name the leaders who worked to unify and strengthen Native American rights on the northwestern frontier.


9.         Identify the leaders and the goals of the War Hawks.


10.        Discuss the diplomatic and political results of the War of 1812.


11.        Define “feme covert” and discuss how it applied to married women in the U.S.


12.        Explain why the south insisted on Missouri as a slave state.


13.        Discuss the principles of the Monroe Doctrine.


Chapter 11 – The Expanding Republic, 1815-1840


14.        Explain the roots of Andrew Jackson’s enormous public appeal.


15.        Identify the components that facilitated the development of a “market revolution”.


16.        Identify the economic, political and cultural advantages of improved transportation.


17.        Discuss the significance of the Erie Canal.


18.        Explain why an all-female factory labor force was considered ideal.


19.        Discuss the role of banks in the growth of the market economy.


20.       Discuss the role of commercial law in the growth of the market economy


21.        Show how electoral politics became more “democratized” in the 1820s and 1830s.


22.       Name the main political parties in the U.S. in the mid-1830s.


23.       Explain the benefits of political parties in electoral politics after 1828.


24.       Define the “spoils system” first employed by Andrew Jackson.


25.       Describe Andrew Jackson’s Indian policy and its consequences for the Cherokee in Georgia.


26.       Identify the issue(s) at the heart of the Nullification Crisis.


27.       Show how Andrew Jackson destroyed the Bank of the U.S.


28.       Analyze the link between the Second Great Awakening and social reform.


29.       Describe the ways in which women contributed to the household income.


30.       Describe the philosophy and goals of the Female Moral Reform Society.


31.        Locate the colony established by the American Colonization Society for ex-slaves.


32.       Name the Boston abolitionist and the newspaper he published.


33.       Identify the most prominent issue of the Van Buren presidency.


34.       Name the political party that characterized and helped guide the activist moralism and state-sponsored entrepreneurship of the 1830s.


Chapter 12 - The New West & Free North, 1840-1860


35.       Discuss the fundamental changes in American society that fueled an “industrial evolution” between 1800 and 1860.


36.       Identify the factors that led to increased agricultural production in the U.S.


37.       Define the “American system” of manufacturing and its significance.


38.       Show how the federal government contributed to the growth of railroads.


39.       Discuss the components of the “free-labor” philosophy and its significance for the average American.


40.       Name the largest immigrant group in antebellum America.


41.        Explain the philosophy of “manifest destiny”.


42.       Describe the conflicts between Anglo-Americans in Texas and the Mexican government that prompted the Americans to establish the Lone Star Republic.


43.       Identify the issue that set the stage for war between the U.S. and Mexico.


44.       List the provisions of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo.


45.       Identify the event(s) that opened up American trade across the Pacific to Asia.


46.       Explain the purpose of the convention at Seneca Falls in 1848 and evaluate its success.


47.       Describe the condition of free African Americans in the North.


48.       Define “underground railroad”.

Chapter 13 – The Slave South, 1820-1860


49.       Define “antebellum”.


50.       Explain how the Lower South had become the “cotton kingdom” by 1860.


51.        Show how white southerners worked to strengthen slavery.


52.       Enumerate the percentage of families in the south that owned slaves and the percentage that were considered “planters”.


53.       Describe how plantation slavery in the south benefited the north.


54.       Define the concept of “Christian guardianship” and its economic benefits to southern planters.


55.       Define “miscegenation”.


56.       Identify the most prominent values of the patriarchal “big house’.


57.       Describe the ways in which slaves resisted the will of their masters.


58.       Describe the condition of free blacks in the South.


59.       Explain how slaveholders kept the loyalty of non-slaveholders in the south.


60.       Compare the political ideologies of southern Whigs and southern Democrats.


UNIT 5 -  CHAPTERS 14 through 16                    


Chapter 14 – The House Divided, 1846-1861


1.          Identify the slavery-related issue that divided north and South after the Mexican War.


2.         Explain why northern Whigs and Democrats supported the Wilmot Proviso.


3.         Define “popular sovereignty” as proposed by Senator Lewis Cass.


4.         List the provisions of the Compromise of 1850.


5.         Show how Uncle Tom’s Cabin contributed to the conflict between north and south.


6.         Show how the Kansas-Nebraska Act impacted political parties in the U.S.


7.         Describe the basic beliefs and goals of the “Know-Nothings”.


8.         Describe the basic beliefs and goals of the Republican Party.


9.         Discuss the issues that led to a “Bleeding Kansas” in the mid-1850s.


10.        List the results of the Dred Scott case.


11.        Describe Abraham Lincoln’s views on slavery and racial equality.


12.        List the events that northerners believed were evidence of a slave power conspiracy.


13.        Name the leader of the Harper’s Ferry raid in 1859.


14.        Discuss southerners’ reactions to Lincoln’s election in 1860.


15.        Discuss Lincoln’s reaction to secession.



Chapter 15 – The Crucible of War, 1861-1865


16.        Name the president of the Confederate States of America.


17.        Explain why some of the upper south states joined the Confederacy.


18.        Compare Union and Confederate advantages in the Civil War.


19.        Explain how the Union and the Confederacy financed the War.


20.       Locate the capital of the Confederacy.


21.        Assess the significance of the July, 1861 Confederate victory at the battle at Bull Run (Manassas).


22.       Locate the Civil War’s bloodiest single day of fighting.


23.       Evaluate the success of the Union’s naval blockade on the Atlantic coast.


24.       Assess the effectiveness of “King Cotton diplomacy”.


25.       Explain Lincoln’s reason(s) for issuing the Emancipation Proclamation.


26.       Identify the limitations of the Emancipation Proclamation.


27.       Describe the military experiences of African American soldiers.


28.       Explain how the Confederacy’s citizens resisted their government’s efforts to wage war.


29.       Describe how the Civil War affected the lives and work of plantation slaves.


30.       Discuss how Republicans changed the U.S. economy during the Civil War.


31.        Show how women contributed to the war effort.


32.       Name the founder of the American Red Cross.


33.       Locate the turning points of the Civil War in the east and in the west.


34.       Show how technology contributed to the large number of casualties in Civil War battles.


35.       Identify Sherman’s goal(s) in his march across Georgia in 1864.


36.       Explain the historical significance of actor John Wilkes Booth.


37.       Discuss why the Civil War has been called the “Second American Revolution”.


Chapter 16 – Reconstruction, 1863-1877


38.       Identify the central issues of Reconstruction.


39.       Compare the Reconstruction goals of Lincoln and Congress.


40.       Describe the “compulsory free labor” system of the Mississippi Valley and its purpose.


41.        List the activities of the Freedmen’s Bureau.


42.       List the goals that freedmen and freedwomen adopted as priorities.


43.       Name Lincoln’s successor to the presidency and discuss his goals for Reconstruction.


44.       Discuss the issues that divided Andrew Johnson and Congress.


45.       List the provision(s) of the 13th amendment to the U.S. Constitution.


46.       Discuss the intent of black codes.


47.       List the provision(s) of the 14th amendment to the U.S. Constitution.


48.       Explain what made Radical Republicans so “radical”.


49.       List the provision(s) of the 15th amendment to the U.S. Constitution.


50.       Discuss how the 15th Amendment severed the early feminist movement from its abolitionist roots.


51.        Define “carpetbagger” and “scalawag”.


52.       Describe the goals and methods of the Ku Klux Klan.


53.       Explain what is meant by “Jim Crow” laws.


54.       Analyze how the “crop lien” system contributed to a near-permanent state of poverty and dependence for sharecroppers.


55.       Name the Reconstruction-era president scandalized by corruption in his administration.


56.       Explain why northerners abandoned Reconstruction.


57.       Identify the goals and methods of the “Redeemers”.


58.       Evaluate the successes of the Redeemers, by the presidential election of 1876.


59.       Explain why Congress had to decide who would be president in 1876.


60.       Discuss the provisions of the Compromise of 1877.