Introduction to Philosophy

Study Guide For Exam 1.

Part 1. The first part of your exam consists of 11 either true/false or multiple choice questions and five short answer questions. Each question is worth five points each. The following questions are very similar or maybe even identical to the ones on the exams. After you answer each one, then go back through the notes you took over the readings and videos to be sure you answered them correctly.

1. T / F: Reductionsim is the view that processes like thought and life are nothing more than physical and chemical processes

2. Plato believed the self consisted of
a. reason, appetite, and desire
b. reason, spirit, and appetite
c. mind, body, and soul
d. reason, spirit, and soul
e. id, ego, and psyche

3. Western religious views, unlike Existentialist views, adhere to
a. an essentialist view of human nature.
b. a non-deterministic view of human nature.
c. an existentialist view of human nature.
d. a deterministic view of human nature.

4. T / F Descartes held that thinking is part of the material self.

5. In the dialogue, Euthyphro, Socrates is trying to get Euthyphro to define
a. beauty
b. holiness
c. justice
d. philosophy
e. none of the above

6. T / F: According to Jean Paul Sartre, self-deception or bad faith is the attempt to avoid anguish by pretending we are completely free

7. T / F The defining characteristic that makes something what it is is its essence.

8. According to Buddhism, philosophical wisdom will free us from
a. mundane tasks and activities
b. the time and effort of study
c. the cycle of birth, suffering, death and rebirth
d. decidding for ourselves
e. all of the above

9. In his search for a belief beyond doubt, Descartes claimed that
a. To be is to be perceived
b. Evil begets evil
c. I think therefore I am
d. The unexamined life is not worth living

10. T/F According to the video, What is Philosophy, the Socratic method primarily focuses on answers.

11. The study of philosophy
a. requires long, painstaking effort
b. risks challenge to important personal beliefs and assumptions
c. will eventually resolve all questions
d. all of the above
e. a and b only

12. T/F Epistemology deals with the study of essences.

Part 2. Sample Essay Questions.
The following questions are identical to the ones on the exam. On each exam you will have two essay questions and you will have to answer one - only one which will be worth 20 points. I would print this study sheet out and as you are watching the videos and doing the readings, focus somewhat on these questions.
Remember, as you are working on your answers be sure to demonstrate knowledge of the videos. In grading the essay part of the exam I look for five things: (1) specific illustrative examples from the text or videos, (2) correct use of technical terminology, (3) coherent expression of basic lines of reasoning, (4) explanation of all important claims, and (5) detail sufficient to indicate familiarity with the entire relevant reading and videos.

1. Using both the readings and the videos, write an essay explaining (1) what philosophy is and (2) the value of philosophy. In your essay be sure to define "philosophy" and use at least three of the philosophers from the first video as well as from the readings.

2. Plato's myth of the Cave makes four specific points about the nature of philosophy. Explain each point.

3. Using all the videos and readings thus far, explain Plato's philosophy. Be sure to include all aspects.

4. Using all the videos and readings thus far, explain Rene Descartes' philosophy. Be sure to include all aspects.

5. Video three raises the issue of the mind/body problem and numerous philosophers weigh in on the debate. Using information from both the videos and the book, explain the debate between Cartesian Dualism and the different forms of Materialism.

6 . First, explain the different views of the self and then identify strengths and weaknesses of each.

7 . Using both the videos and the readings, explain the different viewpoints concerning the question: "What is Human Nature?".

8 . Explain how Hegel, Kant, and Descartes would answer the question, are we independent and self-sufficient individuals?

9 . Define and/or identify each of the following: epistemology, metaphysics, intrinsic value, existentialism, Platonic Forms, psychologism egoism, autonomy, a priori, teleology, functionalism, materialism, no-self view, myth of the cave, dualism, the traditional divisions of philosophy


Plato and his Dialogues
Plato's Page

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Updated 27 August 2012