Danney Ursery
Philosophy 1301
Study Sheet 3

Part 1. This section of the exam will consist of 11 either true/false or multiple choice questions. The following questions are very similar or maybe even identical to the ones on the exams. You should also review your Telecourse Study Guide for additional assistance.

1. In the video, Does the End Justify the Means?, proponents of building the dam maintained that the economic benefits for the country would outweigh other costs. This balancing of costs against benefits is an example of the ethical theory of
a. Nonconsequentialism
b. Epicurean hedonism
c. Utilitarianism
d. Critical theory

2. According to the video, What is Art?, works of art concern philosophy because
a. they challenge notions of reality
b. they result from a search for deeper values
c. they concern changing definition of such values as beauty, form, and feeling
d. all of the above
e. none of the above

3. T/ F For Sartre, but not Kierkegaard, the meaning of life is created by what one chooses.

4. According to the video, What is the Meaning of Life?, the French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre says that to live in "bad faith" is to
a. choose a conventional path in life
b. refuse the anguish that goes along with the meaning that one chooses in life
d. choose a religious path in life
d. accept the consequences of the choices one makes in life

5. According to Carol Gilligan, women's moral development is more concerned with
a. Learning to be more self-sacrificing
b. Overcoming proconventional hangups
c. Maintaining relationships
d. Learning to apply the rules of virtue ethics more fairly

6. According to James Rachels in video 18, Is Morality Relative, conducting his interview in the nude would be (Rachels died in 2004)
a. morally neutral but aesthetically problematic
b. immoral but only becuase he is not handsome
c. immoral but only in our culture
d. morally wrong in the absolutist sense
e. immoral but only in our culture

7. T/ F Kantian ethics is an attempt to describe a morality that reflects the dignity of persons.

8. T/ F Emotivism is the view that moral language is essentially a description of subtle moral facts.

9. Aristotle states that a human being is happy when he or she
a. performs the function of a human being
b. maximizes pleasure
c. is virtuous
d. acts reasonably
e. a, c, and d

Part 2. Sample Essay Questions. Like exams one and two, you will have to answer one essay questions (20 points each). These questions are very similar or even identical to the ones on the exam and the answers are more often than not, based in the videos.

1. First explain each and then compare and contrast Kohlberg's and Gilligan's theories of moral development.

2. Explain the three broad groups of normative ethical theories.

3. Explain Plato's, John Rawls', and John Stuart Mill's ideas of justice. In what ways are they similar? Different?

4. Define or explain the following terms or concepts: contract theory, just war theory, ethical relativism, ethicaln egoism, principle of utility, categorical imperative, bad faith, deontology, morality vs. ethics, consequentialism, distributive justice, care ethics, communitarism vs. liberalism, political realism, social philosophy, veil of ignorance, and natural law.

5. Using the book and the videos as your source, discuss the following question: "Does Life have Meaning?" Be sure to give all the different viewpoints.

6. First, discuss the conditions under which we normally excuse people and then summarize each of the following approaches: hard determinism, compatibalism, and indeterminism.

7. How does Nietzsche's view of human nature differ from that of Mill? --from that of Christianity?

8. Explain the philosophy of Soren Kierkegaard. Be sure to use information from both the videos and the readings.

9. Summarize ethical theories of Act Utilitarianism, Rule Utilitarianism, and Kantian ethics and then explain how the are different.

10. According to Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, and Rawls, how are governments justified?

11. Explain, in detail, the ways at least three of the ethical theories we are studying would deal with sex? Note: I am not asking for your interpretation, but specific information from our readings.

Last Updated October 24, 2012